1949 – George Orwell’s “1984” is published

Orwell’s press card portrait, 1943, from wiki

George Orwell’s novel of a dystopian future, 1984, is published on June 8, 1949. The novel’s all-seeing leader, known as “Big Brother,” becomes a universal symbol for intrusive government and oppressive bureaucracy.

George Orwell was the nom de plume of Eric Blair, who was born in India. The son of a British civil servant, Orwell attended school in London and won a scholarship to the elite prep school Eton, where most students came from wealthy upper-class backgrounds, unlike Orwell. Rather than going to college like most of his classmates, Orwell joined the Indian Imperial Police and went to work in Burma in 1922. During his five years there, he developed a severe sense of class guilt; finally in 1927, he chose not to return to Burma while on holiday in England.

Orwell, choosing to immerse himself in the experiences of the urban poor, went to Paris, where he worked menial jobs, and later spent time in England as a tramp. He wrote Down and Out in Paris and London in 1933, based on his observation of the poorer classes, and in 1937 The Road to Wigan Pier, which documented the life of the unemployed in northern England. Meanwhile, he had published his first novel, Burmese Days, in 1934.

For the complete article

Source: history.com

Citation Information

Article TitleGeorge Orwell’s “1984” is publishedAuthorHistory.com EditorsWebsite NameHISTORYURLhttps://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/george-orwells-nineteen-eighty-four-is-publishedDate AccessedJune 8, 2023PublisherA&E Television NetworksLast UpdatedJune 5, 2020Original Published DateNovember 13, 2009