Tag Archives: Wall Street

In Memory … of MLK

 MLK Murder Still Haunting

AP Was There: The assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.

from April 4, 2018


Martin Luther King Jr., second right, and SCLC aides Hosea Williams, Jesse Jackson Jr., from left, and Ralph Abernathy return to the Lorraine Motel in Memphis to strategize for the second Sanitation Worker’s march led by King in this April 3, 1968 file photo.

King was shot dead on the balcony April 4, 1968. AP Photo/File

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

Martin Luther King Jr.

for the complete article go to: apnews.com

“remember the ladies” a letter from Abigail Adams

womens_day_2013GOOGLEfeatured photo is from google

In a letter dated March 31, 1776, Abigail Adams writes to her husband, John Adams, urging him and the other members of the Continental Congress not to forget about the nation’s women when fighting for America’s independence from Great Britain.

The future First Lady wrote in part, “I long to hear that you have declared an independency. And, by the way, in the new code of laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make, I desire you would remember the ladies and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands. Remember, all men would be tyrants if they could. If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation.”

Nearly 150 years before the House of Representatives voted to pass the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote, Adams letter was a private first step in the fight for equal rights for women. Recognized and admired as a formidable woman in her own right, the union of Abigail and John Adams persists as a model of mutual respect and affection; they have since been referred to as “America’s first power couple.” Their correspondence of over 1,000 letters written between 1762 and 1801 remains in the Massachusetts Historical Society and continues to give historians a unique perspective on domestic and political life during the revolutionary era.

Abigail bore six children, of whom five survived. Abigail and John’s eldest son, John Quincy Adams, served as the sixth president of the United States. Only two women, Abigail Adams and Barbara Bush, have been both wives and mothers of American presidents.


Marxism? Socialism? What ism are you?

beaseedforchangestickersGREENjust another rant …

So, is anyone else finding it almost amusing to see how easy folks seem to throw out labels to describe the actions comments, and stances of candidates of the Democratic Party in a time when this government is seemingly in a  kleptocracy moment while living a kakistocracy with a wannabe autocratic tendencies…

trump, is NOT popular and lost that vote by approximately 3Million. The plan to change America was set a while back, and it appears or seems Mcconnell and the other republicans like paul ryan were waiting for their chance …. and if you remember ryan’s comments, he said something about how he has been waiting for a “Unified republican government”.  Thing is, no one really wanted that acting gig until the birther grabbed us by the …bleep and while setting all our government agencies on fire, the rule of law, regular order, and norms being replaced with dic-tator wannabe behavior.  NOW, we need to trust the Democratic Party because our morality seems at risk each day in the hands of republicans! This makes you think back to at least POTUS41 … Not too long because you’ll get sick, but then reality steps in as POC continue to be targeted, police seem triggered more than ever and the problem of a certain group of males continues to gain access to guns hurting others and in most cases, themselves and that is a shame. We have more kids, babies,  Seniors, POC massacred at malls,  kids in school lockdown,but nowhere to hide, and never ever forget all the babies who have died. There are lockdown drills, some states have given teachers guns yet, and another mass shooting occurs, but nothing changes. There was a case of a teacher threatening to shoot her students after having just had training… It makes you wonder what could go wrong and sadly more unarmed black men and women are dying or are dead!

We have had so much Chaos and btw; the whole thoughts and prayers, thing, is NOT enough anymore.

The idea that an activist is actually run over, and some states decide to pass red flag laws but can’t improve background checks, is amazingly offensive.   We should all know that even folks belonging to the NRA think better background checks are reasonable, but the gun industry is very strong and so when its fav pr organization says to jump many rs and most do jump … though in this era of trump many instances of violence have erupted, it also will be a timeline few will want to remember in the new year of 2021

We have to remember the bush timeline, aside from the obvious, is sad; the guy acted impetuously then drove our economy into a ditch literally while Wall Street’s “creative accounting procedures” finally came to an ugly head. There was once an epic documentary called  House of cards by David Faber on CNBC. It was a cruel reminder and or an awakening at how greed affects the mind; it was a truthful documentation of the nasty journey our economy took … for whom, by whom, and how it (they) brought all of us down with them knowing the Government would pay for it all along …

Unfortunately, the current trump unreality show doesn’t look at all like the one we watched shortly after our financial system collapsed because this is a moment in time when the question below isn’t so far-fetched…  or worse a dystopian society? 

Are You having an existential crisis?

The existential crisis is something many people may face at one point or another in their lives when the world seems to become less meaningful and purposeful. People may question the inner logic of social systems, of their religion, of everything they have once held true, and they do so while becoming much more conscious of the brevity of life.

What is an existential issue?

Quite simply, these are issues that have to do with the plight of human existence, with the meaning of life, and what meaning, if any, our lives have.

trump has definitely set off a cause and effect with certain behaviors of human nature

… is anyone else questioning their inner selves? Hoping trump supporters are; of what it means to affirm one’s own individual personal  choices and the consequences for such choices …and yes in this current hostile environment living an authentic life is important but at risk

If we have to subscribe to labels … idk call me a Marxist who believes in Socialism at this time. lol

I also believe in capitalism, but only with a lowercase c …   We need someone who cares, who is socially responsible, and who believes the gap between the haves and none needs to shrink; school me …what can be wrong with caring for all the people of the US … not just the one percent… especially since that one percent has been wheeling and dealing;  and that attitude about prosperity trickling down to Main street is still bs .

Obama was not a socialist or a Marxist … he was a centrist, a person whose political opinions may not be extreme: a person whose beliefs fall between those of liberals and conservatives … The question is, what do trump supporters call him now?


Rashad Robinson, ColorOfChange.org :::::: He broke his own neck?

In memory… Freddie Gray

It looks like Baltimore police are trying to blame Freddie Gray for his own death.

Police and prosecutors are refusing to officially release information about the investigation into Freddie Gray’s death. But at the same time, someone just leaked a police document that quotes a prisoner who rode in the same van as Gray, saying that Gray “was intentionally trying to injure himself.”1This anonymous leak almost certainly came from someone in the Baltimore police department.

It’s despicable. And it’s exactly the same type of victim-blaming we saw years ago when Baltimore police gave another Baltimore resident a “rough ride,” paralyzing him and eventually killing him in a hauntingly similar case.2

We’ve seen time and time again what happens when police are given the authority and political cover to police themselves. No transparency. No accountability. No prosecution. Unless Governor Hogan brings independent oversight to this case, we can expect the same familiar miscarriage of justice.3,4

Will you join nearly 40,000 ColorOfChange member in urging Governor Hogan to appoint Attorney General Frosh to assist the case against Freddie Gray’s killers?

Freddie Gray's family marches for justice

The prisoner quoted in this leak was separated from Gray by a metal barrier, so he couldn’t have seen Gray. According to the leaked document, he claims he heard Gray banging on the walls, and that he thinks Gray was trying to hurt himself. But if Gray was banging on the walls, it could be because he was desperately trying to get help.5We already know that he had been requesting medical attention, and those requests were ignored.

And Gray might not have been banging on the walls at all. According to other versions of the story, Gray was unresponsive by the time the second person was loaded into the van.6Whatever happened, what’s clear is that this leak is an attempt to shape the story in a way that absolves police of responsibility — at a time when law enforcement is refusing to release other information about the case.

Nearly 40,000 ColorOfChange members are urging Governor Hogan to send Attorney General Frosh to support the investigation and prosecution of Freddie Gray’s death. This leak makes it clear that the current investigation cannot be trusted. Baltimore police and State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby are heading down the same path of denied justice that has allowed Baltimore’s crisis of discriminatory police violence to flourish for years.

In 2014, 100% of people killed by Baltimore Police were Black. And almost none of those officers have ever been held accountable.7 Over the past 5 years, Baltimore police have paid millions to people injured and paralyzed by police “rough rides.”8 Freddie Gray was killed. And his family, Baltimore, and America have the right to an independent investigation that gets to the bottom of what happened and ensures the greatest measure of justice.

Take action to escalate pressure on Governor Hogan and build the widespread support we will need to win.

Thanks and peace,

— Rashad, Matt, Arisha, Lyla, Shani, and the rest of the ColorOfChange team

April 30th, 2015


1. “Prisoner in van said Freddie Gray was ‘trying to injure himself,’ document says,” Washington Post 4-29-2015

2. “Freddie Gray not the first to come out of Baltimore police van with serious injuries,” The Baltimore Sun Post 04-23-2015

3. “Police Kill Black Women All The Time, Too — We Just Don’t Hear About It,” Bustle 12-08-2014

4. “Why I Don’t Trust Baltimore Prosecutors with Freddie Gray Case,” Legal Speaks 4-22-2015

5. “Prisoner Was Wrong: Freddie Gray Didn’t Kill Himself,” Daily Beast, 4-30-2015

6. “Baltimore Cop’s Relative Claims Freddie Gray Was Injured Before He Got In Van,” Daily Beast, 4-30-2015

7. BaltimoreUprising.org

8. “Baltimore’s “rough rides”: the city has paid out millions to people injured in police vans,” Vox, 04-28-2015

Vivian Richardson : Fought back – a repost-

Vivian Richardson, committed foreclosure fighter, is taking the fight to DC.


I wanted to share this letter from Vivian Richardson with you. She is a foreclosure fighter and a member of the Home Defender’s league, the leaders of the upcoming Week of Action. She has a really powerful story and she’s coming to DC to fight to end Too Big to Jail.
                                                              -Brian K.

My name is Vivian Richardson. Aurora Bank stole my home, but I fought back with the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment and the Home Defenders League and won it back.

My battle with my lender is familiar to millions of Americans – years of asking for a loan modification after dealing with layoffs and delayed paychecks on top of countless instances of lost paperwork and unresponsive customer service agents. And then a foreclosure notice after missing one payment by two days.

But fighting back with ACCE and HDL, I was able to reverse the foreclosure and win my home back. Millions of Americans are still fighting Wall Street criminals to stop them from stealing their homes or get them back. That’s why I’m joining hundreds of struggling homeowners and foreclosure fighters in the “Bringing Justice to Justice” week of action from May 18-23, to demand an end to “Too Big to Jail” and force the banks to start HELPING those in need instead of PROFITING from them.

To pull this off, we need your help. Can you chip in $25 or whatever you can afford to help us end “Too Big to Jail”?

Home Defenders and foreclosure fighters begin arriving in DC this Saturday and we need to hit our goal of $7500 by Friday May 17th. We’ve been able to secure low-cost places to stay and lots of donations, but we still need to pay for some things like food, water and transportation.

We can’t have two systems of Justice in this country: one for the rich and powerful, where Wall Street criminals are actually rewarded for breaking the law with huge bonuses and luxurious salaries, and another for the rest of us.

We’ve almost met our fundraising goal. Can you help put us over the top? Chip in $25 or whatever you can today and help make the Week of Action a success!

Wall Street bankers have spent (and are still spending) millions convincing Washington that they are worth protecting. We’re going to counteract that with the power of hundreds of real people affected by the foreclosure crisis standing on the doorsteps of the Justice Department demanding accountability and an end to Too Big to Jail.

The fate of many of those joining me rests on convincing President Obama and his administration to end Too Big to Jail and offer more support to struggling homeowners. The stakes are even higher when you consider the millions of Americans facing foreclosure who can’t join us in Washington.

These Wall Street banksters stole many homes, and are still committing crimes. It is time for them to be held accountable.

Please contribute now!

In solidarity,

Vivian Richardson

ACCE and Home Defenders League member
