We have work to do … Election2016

It is just my opinion, this is one of the most important elections of our time. It will not only be a Historic moment as we have the First Woman Nominated by a major Political Party(DEMs) to be President of the US of A,  but one that could change the way we  live our daily lives … We have a choice and for me it’s beyond clear!  One is dangerous and unpredictable at the very least while the other, with our help as voters who will participate in demsVrepubmidterms to make sure that Hillary Clinton has a Congress that actually does the People’s work by passing bills that are progressive. We cannot turn back the clock when minorities on every level were seen unheard and suppressed … Young People marched, some were beat, gassed while others died for our right to vote! Now, here we are…  in this 21st Century …don’t mess it up!

We are #StrongerTogether

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