Lonnie G. Bunch III, Founding Director of the NMAAHC ~celebrate black history everyday

Dear Friends,Join

As February comes to an end, the attention of many will shift away from Black History Month and onto the next holiday. But here at the Museum, we believe black history should be celebrated every day. Black history is American history, and your Membership gift will help the Museum bring the full and truthful African American story to the national spotlight. With just hours to go until midnightI urge you to please join the Museum today.

This year, Black History Month included significant milestones, such as the 200th birthday of African American icon Frederick Douglass. Born into slavery, he escaped to freedom and went on to distinguish himself as a leading abolitionist, inspiring writer, and dedicated social reformer who advocated equality for all.

Frederick Douglass’s remarkable life and legacy remind us of the enormous progress that our nation has made since his time—and how far we must go to achieve the kind of nation that he envisioned. And your support will help the Museum educate and inspire Americans to fulfill his dream.

Carmen, can I count on you to support the Museum during Black History Month by joining as a Member?

Your generous gift will help the Museum keep the flame of Black History Month burning brightly throughout the year, focusing attention on African American heroes whose achievements have for too long been neglected, forgotten, or even suppressed.

With your support, the Museum will reach a wider audience with the remarkable African American story—with all its pain and promise—to deepen our understanding of who we are as a nation and inspire America’s next generation of leaders to build a better future for all.

Before Black History Month comes to an end, please join as a Member.

Thank you in advance.

dd-sustainerlanding-2014-lonnie-bunch.jpg All the best,
DD YE year end 1 signature
Lonnie G. Bunch III
Founding Director

P.S. You can help the Museum celebrate the spirit of Black History Month every day. Please join the Museum today.

We are all Freedom Fighters on some level every day… Thursday &some News

The weather has been wicked windy

The latest events have made me wonder if Congress on the State and Federal level and or rhetoric from Republicans and folks who lean right of center will really get the push back or beat back by the Democratic Party after Congress gets back from Easter break because i sure have not heard much from the Democratic Party in general and that is not only disturbing it is offensive to anyone who voted these folks into office. I will say it was good to hear that Leader Reid has decided to hold an up and down vote on the PaulRyan Budget. It should open the eyes of most if not all Republican constituents, well maybe. In a time when millions are unemployed, more layoffs coming and Corporate America is still outsourcing and holding jobs hostage. The Republican Party continues to cut slash and burn American Workers. The party of No, which used to be just a conservative pro-life scary group, is now so extreme that the slogan “taking their country back”, is no longer code but an overt statement from Republican Tea Party members. Obviously, it is about not wanting “his kind” in the White House. The Tea Party wants to Privatize Public Service Jobs, which includes Teachers, Fire Fighters, Police, and others while gutting Social Service programs that help the elderly, women, and children around the country suffering already but are now willing to take the basics away from the middle/lower class.

However, I cannot begin to say how offensive though enlightening it is that they are actually legislating people into poverty. I have to say this has made me wonder what our neighborhoods will look after this nasty group is finished wreaking havoc on us all. We all know the more folks that are out of work the better the chances of fewer or quality services will be available. I ask everyone to just think what having less police, firefighters to help out not just the less fortunate but all those above the poverty line … a fire does not care if you have lots of money. I have to say the light of day on how low a Political Party is willing to go was quite evident with those behind the door deals they made to keep SOME firefighters and police employed. Did they think about this?

The media and certain Politicians say that in times of crisis people separate into cliques. I say our Politicians and Talking heads; “the media” have been doing a great job in forcing the public and or viewer into choosing side’s every day depending on the issue. It is offensive and while the November Midterms was proof of how that manipulation works, clearly a whole lot of buyer’s remorse has set in for the Political Party of No, Tea Party carpetbaggers who said one thing and are doing another. We all probably have family or know people who did March for equal rights, felt compelled, added to and a part of that strength in numbers adage we all hear frequently that i consider so important and speaks volumes when a change is near just over the horizon waiting to happen. This feeling of wanting a better way of life is possibly shared by most is spreading all over the world and while a couple of tyrants have seen the light others continue to participate in overt genocide others shutdown access to the World outside. I get the feeling the Republican Tea Party is a lot like those folks in other countries currently doing all they can to either keep control or take anyone down that happens to be in the way by murdering them …right?. In our case, American voters are demanding freedom but the people with the power have gone rogue without thinking about what the full impact on the lives of the many will be or don’t care and have decided to take that risk and try to usurp the rights of Americans whether it’s done legally, by consensus or not.

We are all Freedom Fighters on some level every day.





Langston Hughes’ 114th Birthday Google Doodle

a google doodle worth reposting … google

1993 – U.S. Federal agents raided the compound of an armed religious cult in Waco, TX. The ATF had planned to arrest the leader of the Branch Davidians, David Koresh, on federal firearms charges. Four agents and six Davidians were killed and a 51-day standoff followed

On February 28, 1993, agents of the U.S. Treasury Department’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) launched a raid against the Branch Davidian compound as part of an investigation into illegal possession of firearms and explosives by the Christian cult. As the agents attempted to penetrate the complex, gunfire erupted, beginning an extended gun battle that left four ATF agents dead and 15 wounded. Six Branch Davidians were fatally wounded, and several more were injured, including David Koresh, the cult’s founder and leader. After 45 minutes of shooting, the ATF agents withdrew, and a cease-fire was negotiated over the telephone. The operation, which involved more than 100 ATF agents, was one of the largest ever mounted by the bureau and resulted in the highest casualties of any ATF operation.


for more … history.com


2007 – NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft made a gravitational slingshot against Jupiter to change the planned trajectory towards Pluto.

The spacecraft flew by the solar system’s largest planet, Jupiter, for a gravity assist maneuver Feb. 28, 2007, with the closest approach at 05:43:40 UT. The encounter increased the spacecraft’s velocity by about 9,000 miles per hour (14,000 kilometers per hour), shortening its trip to Pluto by three years.

Source: for the complete article solarsystem.nasa.gov