Keep Our extraordinary monuments safe


Stand with communities to protect our climate and keep Trump from carving up our national treasures.

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Make a public comment today to protect our country’s national monuments!

Take action

Our national monuments are in danger from Trump and his fossil fuel cronies, and it’s going to take everything we’ve got to keep these extraordinary sites safe.

We must RESIST Trump’s plans and protect our country’s national monuments! Make a public comment to the Department of the Interior before July 10.

Right now, 27 national monuments from the Giant Sequoia National Monument in California to the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument in New Mexico are being reviewed by the Trump administration all could lose their national protections.

The monuments under review are breathtaking places that exhibit the country’s rich cultural history and extraordinary landscape. There’s a reason these areas of the U.S. have been placed under protection. The thought that they could be rolled back or revoked is devastating — to public lands and waters, Indigenous peoples, and local communities. Protections of these national monuments must remain untouched.

Submit a public comment to protect our country’s national treasures today!

Communities across the country are standing up to protect their beloved national monuments — from the Indigenous nations defending cultural sites to tourist towns that would be devastated by a fossil fuel disaster. And hundreds of thousands of people like you have already taken action to join them by showing up to rallies and keeping the pressure on your elected officials… but this is going to be a long, hard fight. Are you in?

Please make a public comment today to protect our national treasures before the comment period ends July 10.

Thank you,

Mary Sweeters
Climate Campaigner, Greenpeace USA

P.S. Help stand with communities to protect our climate and keep Trump from carving up our national treasures.

Make a public comment today!

This NSA worker leaked info on Russia ~

In early June, NSA Contractor Reality Winner was arrested and charged with leaking classified information regarding the alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election.

The documents provided to The Intercept, an online journal with a national security and international affairs focus, provided in its own words “the most detailed U.S. government account of Russian interference in the election that has yet come to light.”

Citizens for Government Transparency believes that Americans have a right to know when their democracy is under attack. They started a petition asking the National Security Agency to retroactively declassify the data Reality Winner is accused of leaking.

They believe hers is a “victim-less crime” of releasing information that belonged in the public domain. If you agree, sign and share this petition today.

on this day 6/30 1971 – The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the government could not prevent the Washington Post or the New York Times from publishing the Pentagon Papers.

1097 – The Crusaders defeated the Turks at Dorylaeum.

1841 – The Erie Railroad rolled out its first passenger train.

1859 – Charles Blondin became the first person to cross Niagara Falls on a tightrope.

1894 – Korea declared independence from China and asked for Japanese aid.

1908 – A meteor explosion in Siberia knocked down trees in a 40-mile radius and struck people unconscious some 40 miles away.

1912 – Belgian workers went on strike to demand universal suffrage.

1913 – Fighting broke out between Bulgaria and Greece and Spain. It was the beginning of the Second Balkan War.

1915 – During World War I, the Second Battle Artois ended when the French failed to take Vimy Ridge.

1921 – U.S. President Warren G. Harding appointed former President William Howard Taft chief justice of the United States.

1922 – Irish rebels in London assassinate Sir Henry Wilson, the British deputy for Northern Ireland.

1930 – France pulled its troops out of Germany’s Rhineland.

1934 – Adolf Hitler purged the Nazi Party by destroying the SA and bringing to power the SS in the “Night of the Long Knives.”

1935 – Fascists caused an uproar at the League of Nations when Haile Selassie of Ethiopia speaks.

1936 – Margaret Mitchell’s book, “Gone with the Wind,” was published.

1950 – U.S. President Harry Truman ordered U.S. troops into Korea and authorizes the draft.

1951 – On orders from Washington, General Matthew Ridgeway broadcasts that the United Nations was willing to discuss an armistice with North Korea.

1953 – The first Corvette rolled off the Chevrolet assembly line in Flint, MI. It sold for $3,250.

1955 – The U.S. began funding West Germany’s rearmament.

1957 – The American occupation headquarters in Japan was dissolved.

1958 – The U.S. Congress passed a law authorizing the admission of Alaska as the 49th state in the Union.

1960 – The Katanga province seceded from Congo (upon Congo’s independence from Belgium).

1964 – The last of U.N. troops left Congo after a four-year effort to bring stability to the country.

1970 – The Cincinnati Reds moved to their new home at Riverfront Stadium.

1971 – The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the government could not prevent the Washington Post or the New York Times from publishing the Pentagon Papers.

1971 – The Soviet spacecraft Soyuz 11 returned to Earth. The three cosmonauts were found dead inside.

1971 – The 26th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified when Ohio became the 38th state to approve it. The amendment lowered the minimum voting age to 18.

1974 – Russian ballet dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov defected in Toronto, Canada.

1974 – The July 4th scene from the Steven Spielberg movie “Jaws” was filmed.

1977 – U.S. President Jimmy Carter announced his opposition to the B-1 bomber.

1986 – The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that states could outlaw homosexual acts between consenting adults.

1998 – Officials confirmed that the remains of a Vietnam War serviceman buried in the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery were identified as those of Air Force pilot Michael J. Blassie.

2000 – U.S. President Clinton signed the E-Signature bill to give the same legal validity to an electronic signature as a signature in pen and ink.

2004 – The international Cassini spacecraft entered Saturn’s orbit. The craft had been on a nearly seven-year journey.