African American History … 1619 – 1989


1619- First Blacks Arrive in Jamestown
1638- First Slaves Arrive in Massachusetts
1664- Black-White Marriages Outlawed
1688- Quakers Oppose Slavery
1712- First Slave Revolt
1770- Black Killed in Boston Massacre
1773- First Black Church Founded
1775- Society of Abolition of Slavery Established
1776- Blacks and the Revolutionary War
1777- Vermont Abolishes Slavery
1787- Northwest Ordinance
1793- First Fugitive Slave Law
1793- Cotton Gin
1800- Slave Uprising Near Richmond
1807- Slave Importation Banned
1820- Missouri Compromise
1821- Liberia Founded
1829- Walker’s Appeal
1831- First Negro Convention
1831- “Liberator” Published
1831- Nat Turner Rebellion
1839- Slave Revolt Aboard Ship
1843- Call for Revolt
1847- Douglass Publishes “North Star”
1849- Harriet Tubman Escapes
1850- Compromise of 1850
1852- Uncle Tom’s Cabin Published
1857- Dred Scott Decision
1859- John Brown Raid
1860- Lincoln Elected
1862- Blacks Enlist in Union Army
1863- Emancipation Proclamation
1863- Draft Riots in New York
1865- Thirteenth Amendment Ratified
1865- Freedmen’s Bureau Created
1867- Reconstruction Act Passed
1867- Howard University Founded
1870- First Black Senator
1875- Civil Rights Bill Passed
1877- Reconstruction Ends
1877- First Black Graduates from West Point
1881- Tuskegee Institute Founded
1883- Civil Rights Act Unconstitutional
1890- Blacks Excluded from Southern Politics
1896- Segregation Legal
1898- Blacks Serve in Spanish-American War
1904- Booker T Washington, Black Leader
1904- Niagara Movement Begun
1908- NAACP Founded
1917- Great Migration Begins
1917- Race Riots in Illinois
1917- Blacks and World War I
1920- Universal Negro Imporvement Association Meets
1925- Brotherhood of Rail Porters
1931- Scottsboro Trial
1936- Jesse Owens Wins Four Gold Medals
1936- NAACP Sues for Equal Pay
1940- First Black General
1941- FDR Forbids Discrimination
1943- Race Riots in Harlem
1944- Adam Clayton Powell Elected to Congress
1944- All White Primary Illegal
1946- Truman Appoints Panel
1947- Jackie Robinson Becomes First Black Major Leaguer
1948- Military Desegregated
1950- Ralph Bunche Receives Nobel Prize
1953- Washington’s Restaurants Desegregated
1954- Schools Ordered to Desegregate
1955- Bus Boycott Begins
1957- Voting Act of 1957
1960- Widespread Protest Throughout South
1961- Freedom Riders
1962- James Meredith Enters University of Mississippi
1963- March On Washington
1964- Rioting in US Cities
1964- Civil Rights Workers Slain
1964- King Receives Nobel Peace Prize
1964- Selma to Montgomery March
1965- Malcolm X Assassinated
1965- Los Angeles Riots
1966- James Meredith Shot
1967- First Black Senator Since Reconstruction
1967- First Black Supreme Court Justice
1968- Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated
1974- Samuel Gravely Becomes the First Black Admiral in US Navy
1976- Tom Bradley, Mayor of Los Angeles
1977- Young, Ambassador to UN
1984- Jesse Lackson Runs for President
1987- Powell, Security Advisor to President
1989- Powell, Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff

and now you can read possibly get the #1619Project to find out how your School can include this into your curriculum

some say indigenous Blacks were here before 1610
