1812 – Earthquake cause fluvial tsunami in the Mississippi River

On February 7, 1812, the most violent of a series of earthquakes near Missouri caused a so-called fluvial tsunami in the Mississippi River, actually making the river run backward for several hours. The series of tremors, which took place between December 1811 and March 1812, were the most powerful in the history of the United States.

The unusual seismic activity began at about 2 a.m. on December 16, 1811, when a strong tremor rocked the New Madrid region. The city of New Madrid, located near the Mississippi River in present-day Missouri, had about 1,000 residents at the time, mostly farmers, hunters and fur trappers. At 7:15 a.m., an even more powerful quake erupted, now estimated to have had a magnitude of 8.6. This tremor literally knocked people off their feet and many people experienced nausea from the extensive rolling of the earth. Given that the area was sparsely populated and there weren’t many multi-story structures, the death toll was relatively low. However, the quake did cause landslides that destroyed several communities, including Little Prairie, Missouri.

for the complete article

Source: history.com

1795 – The 11th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified.

The Eleventh Amendment (Amendment XI) to the United States Constitution, which was passed by the Congress on March 4, 1794 and was ratified on February 7, 1795, deals with each state’s sovereign immunity from being sued in federal court by someone of another state or country. This amendment was adopted in response to, and in order to overrule, the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Chisholm v. Georgia, 2 U.S. 419 (1793).

1812 – The Fluvial Tsunami

The 1812 New Madrid earthquakes, which included the violent tremor on February 7, 1812, had significant effects on the Native American populations in the region near the Mississippi River. Here are some of the impacts:

  1. Displacement and Destruction:
    • The epicenter of the earthquakes was near the city of New Madrid, which was located close to the Mississippi River in present-day Missouri.
    • Although the area was sparsely populated, the quakes caused landslides that destroyed several communities, including Little Prairie, Missouri.
    • Native American tribes living in the affected regions faced displacement due to the destruction of their settlements.
  2. River Changes:
    • The powerful tremors caused fissures to open on the earth’s surface, and large trees were snapped in two.
    • The Mississippi River experienced dramatic changes:
      • The water turned brown, and whirlpools developed suddenly from depressions created in the riverbed.
      • Waterfalls were formed instantly, leading to the tragic loss of life. In one report, 30 boats were helplessly thrown over falls, resulting in fatalities.
      • Many small islands in the middle of the river, often used as bases by river pirates, permanently disappeared due to the seismic activity.
      • Large lakes, such as Reelfoot Lake in Tennessee and Big Lake at the Arkansas-Missouri border, were created as river water poured into new depressions.
  3. Human Toll:
    • Approximately 1,000 people are believed to have died because of the earthquakes.
    • However, determining an accurate count is challenging due to the lack of precise records of the Native American population in the area at that time.

Back to the back alley? In Memory of Women’s Rights taken and a reminder

The Post below originated in 2011, it’s tough to say, but Republicans back then actually walked this “redefining Rape” Bill, but the Republicans of today, conservatives in SCOTUS have jumped their lanes from being the highest court in the land supposedly providing checks and balances to telling Society what they can and cannot do! Instead, they have taken away the Rights of Voters, POC, Blacks, and Women without so much as a blink of how their rulings impact the Nation, thus tossing it into chaos … is that their job? How many feel less safe since trump packed the Court with his Justices while the elder conservatives took a deep dive into behavior that probably needs an Ethics investigation, but conservatives seem to have tossed out their Oaths! SCOTUS should be on the side of Checks and Balances, but America is far from that perfect Union when all we see is a chaotic attempt at forcing folks to live an extremely conservative lifestyle… 

Rape has increased since the conservatives in SCOTUS and Congress decided Women basically had no Reproductive Rights 

Big news: Thanks in part to you and the 581,053 others who signed the “Redefining Rape?” petition, the Republicans are back-pedaling from their attempt to redefine rape.1 Your support made a real difference.protectwomen'shc

But this legislation is still terrible for women. Rep. Carolyn Maloney called it “the deepest attack on a woman’s right to choose in my lifetime.”2 Expert Jessica Arons said it would “accomplish the unstated end of making abortion as difficult to obtain as possible without actually criminalizing it.”3Womenshc

Among other things, the bill would effectively prevent women from using their own money to purchase insurance that includes abortion coverage in the new insurance exchanges. Experts warn this could lead to insurance companies dropping abortion coverage entirely.4aroomofmenscrewswomen

And it’s only one part of the Republicans’ attack on women’s health. A second bill would allow hospitals to let a pregnant woman die rather than perform the abortion that would save her life.5It’s reprehensible. We can’t let the GOP force women back into the back alley. You stood up against the disgusting “forcible rape” provision—now can you stand together to tell Congress to oppose these attacks on women’s right to choose by signing the petition below?Womenrpreexistingcon

http://pol.moveon.org/wontgoback/?id=26019-17809870-opCKlFx&t=3 The petition says: “Stop the GOP war on women’s health. Please oppose the bills that would restrict abortion coverage and erode a keepabortionlegalwoman’s right to choose.”

On Tuesday, local MoveOn members in “We Won’t Go Back to the Back Alley” T-shirts will deliver your petitions during a hearing on Capitol Hill. Anti-choice activists are sure to be out in full force at the hearing, so we need a huge stack of names to show Congress and the news media that voters won’t stand for this attack.

These GOP bills are a full-throated attack on women’s reproductive freedoms. Their legislation would:6

Effectively ban abortion coverage in the new health insurance exchanges even if people pay for coverage with their own money.

Impose tax penalties on small businesses that pay for health plans that cover abortion and people who pay for abortion care.

Force the District of Columbia to impose all of the above laws, instead of letting the city decide its own laws.

Permanently ban abortion care for women insured by the government.

And a recently added provision is perhaps the most disgusting: allowing hospitals to deny a woman a life-saving abortion. If this bill passes, hospitals will be allowed to turn away a woman seeking an abortion, even if she’ll die without it—a major change from current law.7

Will you sign the petition today and stand up for a woman’s right to choose?

Don’t let the GOP send us back to the back alley. Sign the petition and share with your friends today:


Thanks for all you do.

–Kat, Eli, Milan, Carrie, and the rest of the team


1. “House Republicans drop controversial ‘forcible rape’ language,” CNN, February 3, 2011


2. “Democratic Reps. Unimpressed With New House Abortion Bill,” Talking Points Memo, February 3, 2011


3. “Extreme Abortion Coverage Ban Introduced,” Center for American Progress, January 20, 2011


4. “An Analysis of the Implications of the Stupak/Pitts Amendment for Coverage of Medically Indicated Abortions,” The George Washington University Medical Center, School of Public Health & Health Services, November 16, 2009

http://www.moveon.org/r?r=205972&id=26019-17809870-opCKlFx&t=8  (PDF)    

“Study: Stupak Amendment Will Eliminate Abortion Coverage ‘Over Time For All Women,'” Tal king Points Memo, November 18, 2009


“A Quick Note on the ‘No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act,'” Mother Jones, January 20, 2011


“Extreme Abortion Coverage Ban Introduced,” Center for American Progress, January 20, 2011


5. “New GOP Bill Would Allow Hospitals To Let Women Die Instead Of Having An Abortion,” Talking Points Memo, February 4, 2011


6. “Extreme Abortion Coverage Ban Introduced,” Center for American Progress, January 20, 2011


7. “New GOP Bill Would Allow Hospitals To Let Women Die Instead Of Having An Abortion,” Talking Points Memo, February 4, 2011
