February is Black History Month… it’s everyday, month and year


This Month in Black History

First black women in the Navy

October 1944
The US Navy admits black women into the WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service). Harriet Ida Pickens (l) and Frances Wills (r) were the first black female commissioned officers.

First black man to win Nobel Peace Prize

October 1950
Ralph Bunche becomes the first black man to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

Civil Rights Leader

October 1964
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wins the Nobel Peace Prize.

First black Supreme Court Justice

October 1967

Thurgood Marshall was sworn in as the first Black Supreme Court Justice.

First black Secretary of State

October 1989

Colin Powell began serving as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Nobel Prize in Literature

October 1993
Toni Morrison wins the Nobel Prize in Literature.

First black president

October 2009
Barack Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize.

Greatest gymnast of all time.

October 2019
Simone Biles wins her 5th consecutive all-around world gymnastic title and wins her 25th world medal, the most held by any gymnast.

AND that big moment for America when Simone put her Mental Health ahead of the sport!