New Laws – King County

King County has recently passed new rental regulations that impact landlords and renters. Here are some key points from the regulations

  1. Cap on Rent Increases: The new law includes a cap on rent increases. Landlords cannot raise rent beyond a certain limit, which aims to protect renters from sudden spikes in rental costs1.
  2. Limits on Move-In Fees: The regulations also impose limits on move-in fees. This helps prevent excessive upfront costs for renters when moving into a new rental property.
  3. Late Fee Cap: Late fees are now capped at 1.5% of the rent amount. This ensures that landlords cannot impose disproportionately high penalties for late payments.
  4. Changes in Rental Application Process: Landlords can no longer require Social Security Numbers as part of the rental application process. While they can still request this information, it’s no longer mandatory. This change may impact the ability to assess a potential renter’s creditworthiness1.

Overall, these regulations aim to strike a balance between protecting renters and ensuring landlords can manage their properties effectively. However, some argue that they may lead to higher costs for property owners and decreased rental property availability1. If you have any specific questions or need further details, feel free to ask!

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