Happy V Day Reminder and Repost


Today I became part of the revolution of women and men who will WALK OUT, DANCE, RISE UP, and DEMAND an end to violence against women and girls on 2.14.13.

ONE BILLION RISING is a global call to women and men across the planet to gather in their communities to dance and demand an end to violence against women and girls.

Will you join me? Sign up here:


Right now, 1 in 3 women on the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime.

V-Day, the global movement to end violence against women and girls, refuses to watch as more than one billion women experience violence.

ONE BILLION RISING is a promise that on February 14th, 2013, we will ensure that millions of women and men rise up around the world to say, “ENOUGH. The violence ends NOW.”


Thank you!

6 tips to putting words to music –

I am no songwriter, but I love to read and definitely hear the spoken word.

My interest is in the art of movement, specifically dance, but great words put on paper in innovative patterns can soothe, invigorate, irritate, make you move, and feel good.

They say that music is said to soothe the savage beast, well, most of us talk about healing and soothing our souls with music

 So, since most of us love to love …and dance 

1) Make it personal because reading about someone else’s experience: love at first sight, first love, lust, a long-term, unrequited love, or a one-night stand brings a sense of connection folks sometimes look for and set to music can only enhance a good lyric …right

2) Be yourself because avid readers and lovers of music go out of their way to learn the lyrics to a song, especially if they feel the performer is genuine and not trying to be something else but needs to be heard, seen, felt through the spoken word

3) The kind of music that makes an impression on me also provides imagery, a vision about the song; even if it is abstract, the image is sort of like a coffee table object … always up for interpretation depending on who is listening and reading or learning the lyrics … of course, when it comes to love … when someone is singing to you … take the time to listen; you may have heard the song but weren’t feeling the notes

 What gets folks onto the dance floor …

4) Rhymes Reason and Rhythm because who doesn’t like the art of movement … more often than not the music that makes you move also makes a great artist move into the stratosphere … in my opinion. I dance because I have to, and anything with a great bass or syncopation will definitely get played more than once in my house.

The rhythm of life

5) Always assume a video of your creation is a possibility, so … be that visionary

🙂  Always believe you were born to make music


All opinions are “my own.” That image was taken with my SE iphone

~ Nativegrl77