Marissa Graciosa, Reform Immigration FOR America

I've learned a powerful lesson in my years of organizing: you get what you ask for.

Tell your representative to show leadership and pass immigration reform now!

Send a postcard!

I’ve learned a powerful lesson in my years of organizing: you get what you ask for. With countless activists like you making calls, joining rallies and marches, and even risking arrest to ask for nothing less than a fair pathway to citizenship as part of immigration reform legislation, all we need now is for our representatives in the House to come forward and lead on the issue.

While our communities show true courage, our legislators in the House of Representatives are hiding. They are choosing political theater over working together to fix our broken immigration system. They are hiding from our demands for bold action to keep our families together.

It’s time the House followed our lead. We’re sending postcards directly to Congressional offices with images of our communities showing real leadership and a message demanding action. Send your representative a clear message: “Real leaders don’t hide. Pass immigration reform in 2013.”

We elect our members of Congress to lead, yet the House has failed to do so by refusing to take action. We must remind them that, as representatives of the people, they answer to us — and we challenge them to model the bravery and leadership that thousands are demonstrating in the streets every day by passing immigration reform this year.

We are closer now than we have ever been to passing real reform, and our representatives need to know that we aren’t backing down. Send your message now: step up and lead on immigration reform! Click here to send a postcard.

Standing strong,

Marissa Graciosa
Reform Immigration FOR America

the Senate ~~ CONGRESS ~~ the House


The Senate stands in adjournment until 10:00am on Thursday, September 26, 2013. Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of H.J.Res.59. the Continuing Resolution, with the time from 10:30am controlled in 1 hour increments, with the Majority controlling the first hour and alternating thereafter.

If no agreement is reached under Rule 22, the cloture vote on the Continuing Resolution would occur 1 hour after the Senate convenes on Friday. The filing deadline for germane first degree amendments to H.J.Res.59, is 1:00pm tomorrow.

Yesterday Senator Reid filed cloture on the H.J.Res.59, the continuing resolution. If cloture is invoked, germane first degree amendments must be filed at the desk prior to 1:00pm today to be considered in order, if cloture is invoked.

If no agreement can be reached, the cloture vote on the joint resolution would occur one hour after the Senate convenes tomorrow, Friday, September 27. However, by consent the vote could be moved to another time, perhaps even later today. Senators will be notified when any votes are scheduled.

Senator Vitter asked unanimous consent to set aside the pending amendment to call up Vitter amendment #1983, to prohibit funds for congressional and certain administration officials’ health insurance contributions.

Senator Tester objected.

Senator Toomey asked unanimous consent to set aside the pending amendment in order to call up the following amendments:

Toomey #1971 (repeal medical devise excise tax)

Toomey #1972 (delay application of individual health insurance mandate)

Toomey #1973 (rights of conscience with respect to health items or services)

Senator Tester objected.

Senator Coats asked unanimous consent to set aside the pending amendment in order to call up Coats amendment #1979 (delay the application of the individual health insurance mandate, to delay the application of the employer health insurance mandate).

Senator Tester objected.

The Senate concurred in the House Amendment to the Senate Amendment to H.R.527, Responsible Helium Administration and Stewardship Act. As a result in concurring in the House Amendment, the bill will be sent to the President.

Senator Reid asked unanimous consent there be 4 votes this evening around 7:30pm:

–       Cloture on H.J.Res.59, the continuing resolution

–       Motion to waive budget points of order

–       Reid amendment #1974, perfecting substitute

–       Passage of H.J.Res.59, as amended

Senator Lee asked to modify the request so that the votes would occur tomorrow. Senator Reid declined to modify. Senators Lee, Corker, and Cruz then engaged in a colloquy discussing the merits of voting today or tomorrow. Below you will find the unofficial transcript of the colloquy (a must read). Senator Lee ultimately objected to voting tonight.

The Senate has reached an agreement that results in a series of up to 4 roll call votes at 12:30pm tomorrow, Friday, September 27. Those votes are in relation to the following items:

–       Cloture on H.J.Res.59, the continuing resolution

–       Motion to waive budget point of order

–       Reid amendment #1974, perfecting substitute

–       Passage of H.J.Res.59, as amended

All votes after the first vote will be 10 minutes in duration.

–       H.J.Res.59, Continuing Appropriations


Reid:   I ask unanimous consent that following Leader remarks on Friday, September 27th, the time until 12:10pm be equally divided between proponents and opponents of the motion to invoke cloture on H.J.Res.59; that the time from 12:10pm until 12:30pm be reserved from the two Leaders, with the final 10 minutes under control of the Majority Leader;

that at 12:30pm, the Senate proceed to vote on the motion to invoke cloture on H.J.Res.59; that if cloture is invoked, all post-cloture time be yielded back; the pending Reid amendment #1975 be withdrawn; that no other amendments be in order;

that the Majority Leader be recognized to make a motion to waive applicable budget points of order; that if a motion to waive is agreed to, the Senate proceed to vote in relation to the Reid amendment #1974; that upon disposition of the Reid amendment, the joint resolution be read a third time and the Senate proceed to vote on passage of the joint resolution, as amended, if amended,

finally, that all after the first vote in this sequence of votes be ten minute votes and there be two minutes equally divided between the votes.

There will be no roll call votes tonight.




Concurred in the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R.527, Helium Stewardship Act.

Passed S.1348, a bill to reauthorize the Congressional Award Act with a Carper amendment.

Adopted S.Res.261, designating the week beginning September 23, 2013, as “National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week”.

Adopted S.Res.262, a resolution supporting the goals and ideals of suicide prevention awareness.



Watch Live House Floor Proceedings

Last Floor Action:
10:01:00 A.M. – MORNING-HOUR DEBATE – The House proceeded with Morning-Hour Debate.

At the conclusion of Morning-Hour Debate, the House will recess until 12:00 p.m. for the start of legislative business.
