We bring the Amazon to you on Wednesday

Mayalu Txucarramãe

Join us this Wednesday in San Francisco for our 8th Annual Luncheon or watch it live online at

Our special guest, Mayalú Txucarramãe, Kayapó and Waura youth leader, representing indigenous partners working to stop dams in the Brazilian Amazon, will give us her perspective and share her experience of living this struggle for as long as she can remember. Granddaughter of legendary Chief Raoni, daughter of Chief Megaron, Mayalú brings the story of fighting for the people and region of the Xingu to life.

We’re thrilled to announce that every donation you make online between now and the luncheon will be matched dollar for dollar up to $10,000 by the Kindle Project Fund of the Common Counsel Foundation. Please donate today and share this news with your friends. Together we can double our impact!

No matter where you are you can experience this unique opportunity.

If you can join us in person please send your RSVP today.
Find out more here.

For the Amazon,

Paul Paz y Miño
Paul Paz y Miño
Online & Operations Director

The Affordable Care Act & small business

Image representing U.S. Small Business Adminis...
Image via CrunchBase

When it comes to the Affordable Care Act, our nation’s leaders maintain a dialogue with the country’s businesses, large and small. The work is ongoing, but the Administration has responded to your concerns by making changes to simplify the reporting process and giving businesses more time to comply.

> Read more


GOP Takes Obamacare Meltdown To A Whole New Level

A mere seven days remain for Congress to pass a spending bill in order to avoid a government shutdown. But Republicans are farther away than ever from agreeing to a reasonable plan that would keep the government open.

On Friday, the House GOP continued its march toward shutdown by passing a bill that ties keeping the government open to–surprise!–fully defunding Obamacare. Once again, Republicans refuse to do the hard work of actual governing in favor of playing political games that threaten to sabotage the economy. But while the vote only solidified the GOP’s ideological and dangerous strategy, it opened the floodgates for more infighting among its owns members. Here is what a number of key GOP players and establishment thinkers have to say about the “defund at all costs” plan:

  • GOP Sen. John McCain (AZ): “I can tell you that in the U.S. Senate, we will not repeal or defund Obamacare. We will not. And to think we can is not rational.”
  • GOP Strategist Karl Rove: The GOP defunding strategy is “self-defeating…It is an ill-conceived tactic, and Republicans should reject it.”
  • Fox News Host Bill O’Reilly: Defunding Obamacare is “fanaticism on the right,” O’Reilly says. “There’s no way Obamacare is going to be defunded. It’s not gonna happen.”
  • GOP Sen. Tom Coburn (OK): “Tactics and strategies ought to be based on what the real world is, and we do not have the political power to do this.”
  • GOP Sen. Rand Paul (KY): “I’m acknowledging we can’t probably defeat or get rid of Obamacare.”
  • GOP Sen. Kelly Ayotte (NH): “I don’t believe they should shut down the government to [defund Obamacare], and I don’t think that is a strategy that is good for America.”
  • GOP Sen. Johnny Isakson (GA): “It’s total atrophy. We’re earning our 11 percent popularity. It’s easier to talk about Obamacare than the major sources of our problems.”
  • Wall Street Journal Editorial Board: “Kamikaze missions rarely turn out well, least of all for the pilots… The kamikazes could end up ensuring the return of all-Democratic rule.”

Now, they all may just be trying to protect their party’s interests. But they seem to know what most Americans already do: the extreme demands by the GOP to push a narrow ideological agenda are out of touch. A new bipartisan CNBC poll released today proves that point. Almost six in ten Americans oppose defunding the health care law if it means a government shutdown, while just 19 percent support. A poll released last week found that only 23 percent of Americans want to make the health care law fail.

BOTTOM LINE: Republicans’ political games are threatening our nation’s economic recovery. Americans don’t want to shut down the government and want an end to the hostage-taking political tactics that place ideology over practical solutions for stability and growth.

Great News for Alaska’s Bristol Bay —

September 2013 Take ActionDonate
The Big Story
Anglo American Quits the Proposed Pebble Mine
In a surprise decision that brought new hope to Alaska’s Bristol Bay, British mining giant Anglo American — the lead company behind the Pebble Mine — announced that it is abandoning the project. The announcement dealt a heavy blow to the proposed gold and copper operation, which would produce some 10 billion tons of contaminated waste and threaten the greatest wild salmon runs on the planet. NRDC Members helped make this victory possible by deluging Anglo American with nearly one million messages of protest. The fight is not over yet — we’ll need new funding to ratchet up the pressure on the remaining companies behind the mine and win EPA action to protect Bristol Bay from large-scale mining.

Pebble Mine

Campaign Updates
Navy Refuses to Protect Marine Mammals from Deadly Sonar
The U.S. Navy says it will ignore a unanimous recommendation by the California Coastal Commission to reduce the harmful effects of naval sonar on the state’s marine mammals, which would violate California law. The Navy is planning to dramatically increase its use of dangerous sonar and high-powered explosives off the coast of Southern California during training and testing. It predicts that such operations will kill hundreds of marine mammals — and injure thousands of others — over the next five years. New research shows that the Navy’s California training is already putting entire whale populations at risk, including endangered blue whales, the largest animal on Earth.
Marine Mammals
Ad of the Month
Ad of the Month
Nobel Laureates Denounce Keystone XL
NRDC and our partners ran a full-page ad in The Washington Post that featured a letter from ten Nobel Peace Prize winners, calling on President Obama to reject the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline and lead the way beyond dirty oil.
Nobel Laureates Ad
See the Ad
In the News
U.S. Blocks Import
of Wild-Caught Belugas
The National Marine Fisheries Service has denied a permit — opposed by NRDC — that would have allowed the Georgia Aquarium to import 18 wild-caught belugas from Russia for public display purposes at aquaria around the country. We applaud the decision since Russia’s wild beluga population is still recovering after being hunted nearly to extinction in the 1960s. Read more. Beluga
CA County Cracks Down
on Fracking
In July, NRDC’s Community Fracking Defense Campaign scored a big victory when California’s San Benito County approved an ordinance imposing new safeguards on this dangerous form of oil and gas extraction, including a greater setback from homes and disclosure of the chemicals used during drilling or fracking. Read more. Fracking

the Senate ~~ CONGRESS 9/24 ~~ the House


The Senate stands in adjournment until 10:00am on Tuesday, September 24, 2013.

Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will be in morning business until 11:15am with the Republicans controlling the first half and the Majority controlling the final half.

 At 11:15am, the Senate will proceed to Executive Session to consider Executive Calendar #203, the nomination of Todd M.

Hughes, of the District of Columbia, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Federal Circuit.

There will be up to 30 minutes of debate equally divided and controlled in the usual form.

Upon the use or yielding back of time (at approximately 11:45am), there will be a roll call vote on confirmation of the Hughes nomination.

 Upon disposition of the Hughes nomination, the Senate will recess until 2:15pm to allow for the weekly caucus meetings.

 At 2:15pm, Senator Mikulski will be recognized for up to 20 minutes. Following her remarks, Senator Cruz will be recognized.

During Monday’s session of the Senate, cloture was filed on the motion to proceed to H.J.Res.59, the continuing resolution.

Under the rule, that cloture vote will occur one hour after the Senate convenes on Wednesday.

11:47am The Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on confirmation of Executive Calendar #203, the nomination of Todd M. Hughes, of the District of Columbia, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Federal Circuit.;

Confirmed: 98-0

The Senate is debating the motion to proceed to H.J.Res.59, the Continuing Resolution. Following Senator Cruz’s statement, we expect to adjourn and reconvene at 12:00 noon on Wednesday, September 25. Under Rule 22, the cloture vote would occur at 1:00pm. There will be no roll call votes tonight.



1) Confirmation of Executive Calendar #203, 113th Congress, 1st Session” href=”″ target=”_blank”>Executive Calendar #203, the nomination of Todd M. Hughes, of the District of Columbia, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Federal Circuit.;

Confirmed: 98-0




Watch Most Recent House Floor Activity

Last Floor Action: 9/23
11:03:25 A.M. – The Speaker announced that the House do now adjourn pursuant to a previous special order.

The next meeting is scheduled for 12:00 p.m. on September 25, 2013.