Tag Archives: legislation

Millions disenfranc​hised … Rashad Robinson, ColorOfChange.org

More than 55,000 ColorOfChange members have demanded that corporations stop suppressing our votes. Can you help us get to 75,000 by signing the petition now?


You can read the email below for more information on how corporations are suppressing the votes of Black folks, other minorities, and young people through an organization called the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). Please take a moment to add your voice and ask your friends and family to do the same. Thanks!

– Rashad


Major corporations are helping suppress the votes of Black folks and other minorities through a right wing group called ALEC.

Please join us in demanding that they stop:

For years, the right wing has been trying to stop Black people, other people of color, young people, and the elderly from voting for partisan gain — and now some of America‘s biggest companies are helping them do it.

These companies have helped pass discriminatory voter ID legislation by funding a right wing policy group called the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). Voter ID bills linked to ALEC have already passed in seven states,1 and similar voter ID bills have been introduced in 27 other states.2

Supporters of discriminatory voter ID laws claim they want to reduce voter fraud (individuals voting illegally, or voting twice). But such fraud almost never actually occurs, and never in amounts large enough to affect the result of elections.3 What is clear is that voter ID laws prevent large numbers of eligible voters from casting a ballot, and could disenfranchise up to 5 million people.4

ALEC’s voter ID laws are undemocratic, unjust and part of a longstanding right wing agenda to weaken the Black vote. Major companies that rely on business from Black folks shouldn’t be involved in suppressing our vote. Please join us in demanding that these companies stop funding ALEC:


ALEC’s right wing agenda

The American Legislative Exchange Council is a behind-the-scenes group whose membership consists of legislators and corporations who work together to push legislation that benefits their interests. ALEC crafts model legislation, which its member legislators then introduce in statehouses across the country, without mentioning its corporate ties. The group has written legislation to impose harsher criminal penalties on juveniles, to privatize education, and to break unions.

ALEC is funded in part by the Koch Brothers, the same family that funds the radically conservative tea party. It also receives funding from large corporations, many of which are household names.

“Voter fraud” and discriminatory voter ID laws

Supporters of discriminatory voter ID laws say they’re needed to stop “voter fraud.” The fact is that voter fraud rarely occurs, and when it does occur it does not happen at a scale that would change the outcome of an election. The kind of voter fraud addressed by the ALEC voter id bill happens as infrequently as death by lightning.5

Over and over again, the myth of widespread voter fraud is used to justify stronger restrictions on voting and voter registration (like voter ID laws), as well as voter roll purges. It has also been used to attack organizations which register large numbers of low income and minority voters, by painting simple mistakes made during registration drives as organized efforts to commit voter fraud. These kind of made up scandals have helped the right wing convince the public that voter fraud is real and voter ID laws are necessary to protect the integrity of elections.

The truth is that voter ID laws are discriminatory — Black people, Latinos, the elderly, students, people with disabilities, and the poor are all less likely to have the photo IDs necessary to vote under these laws.6 For example, if you’ve recently moved because of foreclosure or some other economic circumstance, you’re more likely to have recently ended up in a new state which won’t accept your out of state driver’s license. If you don’t have a car, you’re less likely to have a driver’s license in the first place.

In many states, it can be expensive and time consuming to secure the proper ID. Even when the ID itself is free, it often requires supporting documents like a birth certificate which cost money to achieve. There are already stories of voters who have been eligible for years struggling to navigate a frustrating bureaucratic maze in order to vote. Requiring ID to vote amounts to a modern day poll tax. And that’s the real purpose of voter ID laws – they are an important part of the modern effort to suppress the votes of groups that usually vote against right wing politicians.

These laws are part of a long history of voter suppression directed at Black folks and other underrepresented groups. No longer is the Black vote suppressed through violence, intimidation and literary tests. It’s now suppressed through laws that make it burdensome and difficult for many Black folks to vote.

Corporate-backed voter suppression

Some of the companies supporting ALEC may simply be unaware that the group is involved in voter suppression. Others might think that voter suppression will benefit their political interests, and hope that they can get away with supporting it because so few people have even heard of ALEC.

We’ve started reaching out to these companies to make sure they know what they’re supporting, and to demand that they stop. Adding your voice to this campaign will help us convince these companies that continuing to support ALEC will hurt their reputation with consumers. We hope that many of them will simply do the right thing and stop supporting ALEC. If they don’t, we’ll be prepared to shine a spotlight on them and make sure the world understands what they’re involved in.

Please take a moment to join us in standing up to corporate-backed voter suppression. And please ask your friends and family to do the same. It takes just a moment:


Thanks and Peace,

— Rashad, James, Gabriel, Dani, Matt, Natasha and the rest of the ColorOfChange.org team     December 8th, 2011

Help support our work. ColorOfChange.org is powered by YOU—your energy and dollars. We take no money from lobbyists or large corporations that don’t share our values, and our tiny staff ensures your contributions go a long way. You can contribute here:



1. “New Evidence of ALEC Connections in All Successful Voter ID Legislation,” Campus Progress, 09-08-11 http://act.colorofchange.org/go/1065?akid=2356.1174326.HucObH&t=8

2. “First, show your face,” The Economist, 09-17-11 http://act.colorofchange.org/go/1066?akid=2356.1174326.HucObH&t=10

3. “The Myth of Voter Fraud,” Washington Post, 03-29-07 http://act.colorofchange.org/go/1067?akid=2356.1174326.HucObH&t=12

4. “GOP, ALEC Could Make It Harder For 5 Million To Cast Ballots,” Mother Jones, 10-3-11 http://act.colorofchange.org/go/1068?akid=2356.1174326.HucObH&t=14

5. See reference 3.

6. “Citizens without proof,” Brennan Center For Justice, 11-2006 http://act.colorofchange.org/go/1069?akid=2356.1174326.HucObH&t=16

weekend review &some News

Sunday Buzzzzz … A good day to reach for the sky while breathing deeply through your nose then slowly exhale through your mouth while slowly lowering your arms, head, shoulders, chest and waist  bend knees -repeat when needed …

Tired of “the media” BS yet? and can i just say the only grown-ups on the floor of Congress on Saturday were from the Democratic party but hey that is just my opinion.  In his latest commentary, Bloomberg states the President needs better advisors even though President Obama has kept more than half of his campaign promises made to the 53% that voted for him in 2008. I wonder if that information has been readily available in your State.I would like to thank our President for doing such a great job despite the 24/7 News cycle bashing him and the obstructionist called the Republican Tea Party. I would ask our President to keep his campaign promises and heed this alert: the Low Information Voters are not tuning in or paying attention so get out there because according to reports they made up 10% of those that decided to lean right. I say folks have to remember that President Obama does not make, create or pass legislation into laws, our Congress does so all complaints about bills not getting on the floor of Congress should be directed at Republican Tea Partiers who have held most if not all of them up or blocked, stalled and just said no to.

FYI President Obama signs major trade pact agreement with S.Korea -which is a big deal though “The Media” has chosen to ignore it as well as signing the bill to avert a government shut-down.

Today I got up early to see the Bush tax giveaways also called procedural votes on the Senate floor and was quite sad but of course, the media predicted the defeat before hand and unfortunately, they were correct. The point was to get it on the record while showing Americans just what and who they voted for in the Mid-term elections. It is a sad day to realize that a Political Party would put their ideology above the needs of their fellow Americans but the Republican Tea Party did without flinching, thinking of their constituents I guess and all for the love of money. The Bush Tax Cuts of 2001&2003 were given, scheduled to expire 12/31/10 and unpaid for a long with the two wars waged which cost Americans trillions of our money. The fact is the tax cuts, 2Wars, Wall Street bets, AIG insurance selling banking products as well as too much deregulation sent our economy over the cliff -sigh

In great news, The President secured a trade agreement with S.Korea that all Americans should be proud of though if you listen to the News that trade agreement is not as important at least not to “the media” as the defeat or votes against the Obama Administration coming from the cables. Is it just me or does anyone else feel like it is un-American to see so many in the news waiting to report a defeat or any other negative item regarding President Obama. In a time when things are so tough and a large number of voters leaned left we all see the Republican Tea Party gain strength tell the public lies and now the joke is on all of us. They say their focus is on Jobs, economy and doing the work of the People yet RTP continue to vote against UI stating people on UI do not look for jobs. I have to say every time one of them makes a statement that is obviously negative I wonder where the outrage is. I wonder what will be enough BS in order for people to March on DC the reports are that there are five people applying for one job and while members of RTP Congress have jobs it is clear they are all out of touch, engage in elitist behavior and decided a long time ago that not only would they refuse to cooperate with the First Black President they will do whatever is necessary to bring him down even if it means taking us all down and today provided an insight to the horrible people that obviously fooled Americans into voting for them on Nov.2 and that is quite sad.

So, it’s Friday and very cold but we def are not snowbound like the east coast …a lot has happened and it’s only 10am here in the 206. I am hoping the President’s trip goes well and is def a safe one. The debating and or voting going on in Congress today will continue into the weekend and it has my blood boiling. Hopefully, our Democratic Party will hold firm and show Americans the truth of how the Republican Tea Party just is not who the claim to be as shown to us all with the letter stating they will not cooperate unless they get their Bush tax giveaways. If nothing else this should be the evidence Americans need to show they had no intention of focusing on jobs our economy or doing the peoples business. The last two years the focus has been on obstruction, ruining the governing party and President Obama. The jobs numbers tell me that Corporate America has a long and complicit relationship with the Republican Tea Party that is long, deep, probably cannot be broken and or completely be reformed unless and until ALL Americans see the trouble the Republican Tea Party will be and put the Democratic Party back in control…in both Chambers of Congress.

This week the lame duck session restarted on a positive note with a vote of 73-25 passing the Food Safety Bill that will when put into implementation keep most Americans Safe. Unfortunately, due to a Senate error this Bill was put on hold and is probably going to be held hostage along with other legislation that would not only protect Americans it could have been a bill that passed with bipartisanship but that was clearly too much to ask for. While that was taking place, we all waited for the DADT report and most if not all reports were that the response had been better than anticipated. Reports were that 70% were okay with repealing DADT but folks in the Marines were not as responsive. The comments made by Gen.Gates about dadt were definitely positive. It would seem like an  easy task to just take the vote and pass dadt but  the Republican Tea Party who supported the repeal of DADT now have flip flopped by deciding the reports from Generals were not good enough. Again, my question is where is the outrage from people who support the repeal and or gays who know the impact the repeal would have on so many because contrary to folks out there it is Congress who has the responsibility to make it a law not the President who is getting the blame.

I am quite sure the START treaty is not only a National Security issue but is and has always been a bipartisan issue but is being used by the Republican Tea Party along with other legislation as pawns to again-get those Bush giveaways or else. This kind of behavior is childish and

In other News, our President had his first of many meetings to come with Republicans and the first documented outcome of that meeting by President Obama is below:

Though our President held a positive press conference concerning the meeting with Republicans, it is unfortunate that the Republican Tea Party thumbed their noses at our President and continue to be the Party of No by blocking unemployment today to several million. The Republican Tea Party continues want those Bush tax give always before they will cooperate on the floor of Congress, which Americans or most Americans feel we cannot afford to give them right now. At what point during the course of the lame duck Session in Congress will Republican constituents finally see the carpetbaggers for what they are?

The President has asked the Middle lower class to sacrifice again by freezing federal salaries for two years now he must make the rich sacrifice as well because they have not.

Other News

**If you order online on or before Dec.17th most will offer free shipping -called free shipping day

**A grocery workers have ratified their contract in king, kitsap, snohomish counties and covers indpdt grocery workers as well 95% voted yes

**SKnight was arrested on parole violation

**Did you know the RNC is in debt -15million w/about 2million banked the DNC is in debt -15million but has about 10million banked

**   http://www.king5.com/home/Late-TD-gives-Washington-35-28-win-over-WSU-111332549.html  <<< copy & paste link for the story

**President Obama secures major trade pact with S.Korea

**The President signs bill that will avert government shut down

**President Obama is met with newly elected Gov. -told them to call w/any and all probs they don’t want to hear it on tv first -sigh-


**Health Care Premiums have gone up 41%

**Alan Simpson debt comm vote to bring there legislation to the floor of Congress needs 14 votes they have 7 at this time. The final vote was 11-7 and failed to get to the flr of Congress

**Temp Fed spending FY 2011 239-178 -with 8Democrats voting No and 2Republicans voting yes

**Rangel censure vote will happen on Thursday with a full Censure

**Food Safety bill may be held up by the House GOP due to Senate errors

**Mid-Class tax cut vote may take place today-Steny Hoyer might allow them

**The START treaty is being debated in the Senate but who knows when the vote will be

**Kathleen Kennedy Townsend has put together a group to battle against the big money used in the Mid-terms


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Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO) Remarks on Lame-Duck Session Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO) Remarks on Lame-Duck Session
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