July …

July was originally the month of Quintilis in the Roman calendar. It was the fifth month of the year until January and February were added in 450 BC. It got its original name from the Latin word for fifth. Later the name was changed to Julius in honor of Julius Caesar who was born on July 12.

  • Independence Day
  • Bastille Day
  • Parent’s Day
  • July is the warmest month in the Northern Hemisphere on average. It is similar to January in the Southern Hemisphere.
  • Sometimes the hot, long days of July are called the “dog days of summer”.
  • It is sometimes called the Hay month because the grass dries out due to a lack of rain and can be made into hay.
  • July’s birthstone, the ruby, is often associated with contentment, love, passion, and integrity
  • National Ice Cream Month
  • National Blueberry Month
  • National Hot Dog Month
  • National Picnic Month
  • National Pickle Month
