Tag Archives: McCarthyism

The Smithsonian & The Right’s Culture Wars …a message from Michael Keegan

So, this popped up … Things that should not be forgotten and btw he is now a former Sec of the Smithsonian but has Emeritus status at the GA Institue of Technology! ugh

The article below is revelant though mr Keegan posted it in 2011 …

I just posted the following piece to The Huffington Post and thought you might be interested:

The Battle over the Smithsonian and the Right’s New Culture Wars

This week, protesters marched on the National Mall to demand that the Smithsonian’s Board of Regents dismiss Smithsonian Secretary Wayne Clough for his role in removing a work of art from one of the institution’s museums and his continual bungling of the institution’s response in the two months since its removal. Although one Smithsonian regent openly implied that removing the art was a mistake, the board ultimately declined to rebuke Clough, effectively closing the door on the possibility of undoing the damage done by the censorship. But the bigger fight that the Smithsonian debate represented–over the efforts of a small and vocal group on the Right to define American values for us all–is just beginning.

As the newly empowered House GOP gears up to start culture wars on issues from reproductive rights for women to religious freedom for American Muslims, there’s an important lesson to be learned from what happened this winter at the Smithsonian. Institutions and individuals will continue to come under attack from the Right’s powerful extremist-to-media-to-politician echo chamber. But, as the Smithsonian’s experience showed once again, there is little to be gained by caving in to this loud and usually dishonest bullying. Clough’s attempt at compromise–instantly removing a work of art from an important exhibit–only drew louder threats to censor the exhibit as a whole, while causing some of the Smithsonian’s strongest supporters to lose trust in the institution. Despite what most might hope, the Right is not going to stop its culture war campaigns anytime soon. The only thing the rest of us can do is aggressively tell the truth, unapologetically stand on principle, and refuse to back down.

In a report last year, People For the American Way profiled what we call “the new McCarthyism“–a type of demagoguery that hinges on the idea that America and all it stands for is being destroyed by enemies within. This new McCarthyism–in full display in the paranoid tirades of Glenn Beck, in the widespread fear that President Obama is an un-American imposter–has a new foothold in Congress, where Rep. Peter King plans to hold hearings investigating American Muslims and prominent lawmakers spread myths about immigrant “anchor babies” in order to replace real efforts at immigration reform with unfounded fears about immigrants. The House GOP’s fit over “anti-Christian” and -gasp!–gay art in the Smithsonian was a small but powerful example of this dynamic in action. GOP leaders, encouraged by far-right activists, created a narrow definition of what it means to be truly American–straight and a certain type of Christian–and in doing so framed the rest of us as impostors.

The Right’s so-called “culture wars” are more than just a sideline distraction–even manufactured controversies can do real harm. The Smithsonian controversy was a flashy and media-ready story, but it set the tone for the many manufactured battles to come. In coming months, we must be ready to step up and make just as strong a defense of women’s health organizations; of American Muslims; of gays and lesbians; of judicial nominees; of science and history; and yes, of our national museums. Not all of these issues are as exciting and easily categorized as that of censorship in our nation’s capital. But it will be just as important that we all stand up to attempts to narrow the definition of what it means to be American.

It’s disappointing that the Smithsonian’s secretary and board were so quick to give in to the Right’s demagoguery and bluster. Clough’s succumbing to censorship left a stain on his record at the head of the Smithsonian and unfortunately seems to have damaged the credibility of the institution. Cloughs’s two months of virtual silence followed by the board’s effective endorsement of his action have only made it worse. But the Smithsonian’s decision is not the final word on the power of the Right’s new-found zeal for culture wars. Instead, it’s a reminder of how important it is to stand up to those who, in attempting to root out an imaginary enemy within, threaten the vibrant diversity and individual liberties of our democracy.

By The WaY – more information on Mr Clough

Gerald Wayne Clough is President Emeritus of the Georgia Institute of Technology and former Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. A graduate of Georgia Tech in civil engineering, he was the first alumnus to serve as President of the Institute

In this era of Covid19 ,  Racist Hate and Death to unarmed Black Brown men and Women …

We are the Change we seek- Obama

  • Nativegrl77

URGENT: Anti-LGBT McCarthyis​m? … Joe Solmonese, Human Rights Campaign

We’ve come to expect GOP candidates to call for a hateful constitutional amendment banning marriage equality. But we never expected them to support forming a commission to investigate pro-equality advocates like you and me.

I’m not making this up. Several of the GOP presidential candidates have now signed a pledge to appoint “a commission to investigate harassment” of anti-LGBT activists. It’s part of a years-long effort by right-wing groups to protect their mega donors from being held accountable for their hateful views – and it’s picking up speed. Fast.

This witch hunt commission would usher in a despicable era of anti-equality McCarthyism – and it’s a sign of just how radical the right has become. We’re fighting their hate with a grassroots campaign targeting anti-LGBT rhetoric, a media operation to debunk their lies, and a red-state bus tour to promote equality across the nation. But we need 874 more new members to reach our goal of 2,000 by Wednesday if we’re going to pull it off.


Every day, our groundbreaking work in schools and churches advances tolerance and acceptance. Our “Call it Out” campaign is targeting anti-LGBT hatred in local communities across the nation, and all eyes are on Maryland as the next target for marriage equality. We’re battling anti-gay attacks from right-wing zealots and politicians alike, and walking the corridors of Capitol Hill to push for a repeal of the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act.

But at a moment like this, we need to go big. That’s where our bus tour comes in – and where you can make all the difference.

We started this multi-city tour in the backyard of the Mormon Church in Salt Lake City and we’re continuing onward to other red states throughout the Midwest and South where it’s often tough for LGBT Americans to live openly. We’re going state by state to deliver our message loud and clear: There is no community where intolerance is welcome. There is no slur we won’t call out.

And – most importantly – there is no chance we’ll let a hateful fringe tear down all that we’ve accomplished together in the last years, especially in New York where marriage equality is already under attack.

 we can’t afford to cede an inch. But only the support of thousands of straight allies – at a pivotal moment like this – will give us the strength to drive this movement forward.


As we’ve learned time and again – from hate crimes legislation to DADT repeal to New York marriage equality – if we keep standing together, we’ll get to our destination sooner than we think.

Let’s go big,
Joe Solmonese

TGIF …&some News

It has been a tough week. I spent a lot of time wondering why people are blaming my President for everything in sight telling us this President hasn’t done enough and the bottom line is the last guy did way too much and FYI here we are people, get a grip. The President can only do so much and in some cases whatever he does needs to be timed, done with NATO or the UN or both and on the local level folks have forgotten that Congress not only makes the laws they tweak them manipulate them and pass them, not our President. We all know the crap that got passed in the Republican led House of Representatives probably will be torn to shreds in the Senate and if not the VETO Pin will be unleashed. I definitely am convinced after watching the “Muslim hearings”; Americans need to fight back against the nonsense that Rep. Peter King laid before the vast viewers in America. I believe he used this platform to promote fear to continue the fear mongering his Political Party started in 2008 and yes it is possible he abused his position and power as chairman at homeland security. There were no real experts from the Department of Homeland Security and though a police officer was there no one from an actual government agency was which gave this viewer pause. I want to know how this was tolerated to begin with, happy that Representatives such as Sheila Lee and others spoke up and out against the hearings and its intent. I urge anyone reading this to lodge a complaint because the days of McCarthyism should have been a warning, a deterrent yet this man who had ties to the IRA has a mission, an agenda and it did not make me feel safer, proud or more American. I was upset, offended, and embarrassed that a narrow view such as his was able to get on a national level. I know that the various fathers and family felt they needed to speak out about their experiences. I think it was a part of the process but as the police officer stated the problem was small and with that comment the public should get it. The obvious is this first meeting accomplished absolutely nothing but scare people, Representative Peter King intends to keep holding more of these hearings stating his next one might be about the radicalization of Muslims in our prisons . These hearings should worry all Americans as the regression back to the days when discrimination was accepted as the norm is being forced on all our lives on some level by those who vote right of center.

 We all know life goes on or gets in the way. Today, around 4am I woke in a start did the usual then thought better turn on the radio and TV? First, I hear that our President definitely will be holding a press conference then word of Japan’s earthquake of 8.9 and the Hawaii Tsunami warnings only to realize better go local and yep California and the West Coast had been warned. I do not live on the Coastal Water Ways but family and friends do so let the worrying commence. I hope everyone who does live near the San Juan islands, Grays Harbor, Santa Barbara have moved to higher ground.

I live near water but it is a manmade lake … did not think I’d ever be happy about that but I am.

The change we hoped for and believed in was just one lobbyist , one huge insurance company like AIG or bank between Americans wanting great health care, green energy and educational reform rather than settle for the mediocre or privatization like the Republicans are trying to force upon us right now. The downfall of our economy did not just happen contrary to what folks continue to push on us. I still wonder at what point did someone anyone see the problem for what it was and flag it. I still wonder about the time it took to expose the corruption our system had and did the house of bush know or was he just too busy playing with a surplus, waging 2wars and when you think about it what could he have done for Americans that could have prevented the economic crisis and didn’t.

We all need to remind folks who slowed down the stimulus, who said let’s stop, do tax cuts but who had no type of plans for an economic recovery. Now, almost 3yrs later we find out after the Republican Tea Party engaged in blocking, stalling, making the democratic party scale back bills and or attaching foul language to great amendments that no one could vote for in good faith that those jobs, jobs, jobs they talked about were actually public service jobs, union jobs. Those American jobs our American jobs-Union jobs are the Republican Tea Party target they want to destroy not created with the intent to privatize them if they can. The warnings came from our own President and no one listened cared or decided to listen but to the wrong people, now our lives as we all use to know it could be in trouble because elections have consequences.

This Country is in more trouble now since the midterm elections and even though both political parties should try to solve the crisis Americans are now facing the truth is out, Americans now know who our real enemy is, and it is the Republican Tea Party. Republicans are acting as if the USA is a playground and they symbolize some jerk child who has drawn a line in the sand instead of agreeing to help solve the problem putting your their self-interests aside for once which could get this Country back on its feet.

We are in a fight for our lives and like I stated before –We now know who our enemy is and it is the Republican Tea Party.

Other News …

**Japan suffers 8.9 earthquake Hawaii and the whole West Coast is subject to Tsunami

**Libyan forces are taking more land and oil

**S.C. Senate oks bill to criminalize immigration -fake docs

**Saudi protests scheduled on Friday

**S.Palin calls the union thugs .. she is such a moron

**IPad 2 goes on Sale Friday

**Markets fall in response to Japan’s equake

**Wis Republicans officially cut collective bargaining

**Unions believe collective bargaining is a right not a privilege

**Indonesia volcano erupts

**Airfares are going up

**Retail sales rise for 8th straight month


White House to Brief on Rising Energy Prices

U.S. oil reserves to remain untouched


House Inspects Food and Drug Safety Budget


U.S. to Meet with Libyan Rebel Leaders


Congress’ Accountant Clarifies GAO Report to Lawmakers


White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said the White House is close to speaking more publicly about its strategy for dealing with domestic terrorist threats. This came in response to a House Homeland Security Committee hearing on the subject of Muslim Americans. At this briefing we also hear more about NATO’s latest moves to pressure the Gadhafi regime in Libya.


House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi held a news conference marking the first anniversary of health care law, which was signed by President Obama on March 23, 2010. She was joined by Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO) and Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL).


President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama along with the Department of Education, and the Department of Health and Human Services welcomed students, parents, teachers and others to The White House for a Conference on Bullying Prevention. The conference brought together communities from across the nation who have been affected by bullying as well as those who are taking action to address it. http://c-span.com/Events/President-Obama-Remarks-at-Conference-on-Bullying/10737420138/

wicked weathered Wednesday &some News

Beware the weather is churning March Madness is heating up and the nonsense in Politics and the behavior by Politicians is getting even worse.

After then Senator Barack Obama became President, someone said the sky was falling, that Marxism and or Socialism was coming to America and we will lose our freedom … oh and that certain Muslims are not to be trusted unless they become FBI informants and or give up their rights – freedom of religion

I thought this was the 21st Century people! I find it amusing yet it brings me to tears to see how easy folks seem to throw out labels to describe President Obama’s actions in a time when the jig is up so to speak. We all see and hear the rhetoric out there in I guess a desperate move to try and make Americans feel that “other” thing relevant again. I am hoping folks have had enough of it and can see through the Republican Tea Party for what they are and refuse to drink the Kool-Aid. If you need to get a blast from the past, engage in movements to make the tea party base scared see what the McCarthyism days were like just tune into the Peter King hearings and see what a racist who holds public office looks like. It is as if these people holding public office not only forgot the oath they took, they decided to use their positions of power to do whatever they can to alienate working American families by separating them from jobs, social services and education to name just a few things jumping around on the chopping block of the Republican Tea Party. Republicans have made a choice and it ain’t for the Middle Class.

I would like to remind anyone thinking of voting right of center in 2012 because they are not happy about the status of your own life at this very moment. After years of so-called creative accounting, procedures from Wall Street finally reared its ugly head. Life for middle America changed as we all know it and again like I keep saying the show House of cards by David Faber on CNBC was a cruel reminder and rude awaking at how greed affects the mind … a truthful documentation of the nasty journey our economy took … by who, for who and how it brought us all down …

I am definitely a part of the Democratic Party but if we have to subscribe to labels … call me a Marxist who believes in Socialism at this time. We need someone who cares, who is socially responsible and who believes the gap between the haves and have none needs to shrink. If that is wrong, school me. Even though my question is rhetorical, think about it. What could be wrong with caring for your fellow man no matter what race, sex, creed, and or religion not just the 2% who got their bonus dollars after holding the Middle Class hostage for what about two years but still not satisfied until they destroy what America use to be about. The fact is that 2% has been and continues to wheel and deal with folks like the Koch brothers and the US Chamber of Commerce beginning or ending at the house of bush is not clear. However, it is obvious they intended to make money at the expense of all investors and the crap trickled down to Main Street.

“We the People” need to admit. It’s time for a change and if you believe in equality, it you believe in Working Families, Working Class American Workers instead of Corporate American or the Rich we all need to make sure that the Democratic Party regains control and correct the blatant BS and or mess that Republicans have made of our country.

Other News …

 **Peter King defends his hearings and will bring in other Muslims to prove it

**Libyan rebels might be losing the fight

**clashes in Tahrir square – 11 killed senselessly

**NPR CEO resigns amid tea party flap

**7.2 earthquake off coast of Japan

**41 in the Italian crime grp are being looked for

**Ben affleck talks about the horrors in Congo

**Mortgage Apps uptick to 16%, highest since June

**Suicide bombings in Pakistan killing dozens 

**hey Glee with Gwenth Paltrow was great


Senate to Vote on Competing Spending Bills


Sec. Duncan Defends FY2012 Education Budget


Capitol Hill

Hearing to Ask if Federal Workers are Underpaid

pay-for-performance system evaluated


Committee Starts to Deal with Housing Finance Reform

first in series of hearings


First Lady Michelle Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hosted the annual International Women of Courage Awards ceremony at the State Department. Afterwards, two award winners, a prosecutor from Afghanistan and a journalist from the East African nation of Cameroon, spoke with reporters. http://c-span.com/Events/State-Department-Press-Briefings/10737420056/