Tag Archives: medicare

Choices … they are clear: Women have the RIGHT TO safe quality & affordable HEALTH CARE – BarackObamaCare2012- a reminder

Join Women for Obama: http://OFA.BO/3C7BeJ

President Obama held a grassroots event in Denver, Colorado where he highlighted how health reform has helped women get access to the care they need.

Thanks to Obamacare:

-Over 868,600 women will now have access to free preventive care.  That means things like mammograms, screenings for cervical cancer and pap smears are available to women without any cost-sharing.

-Over 22,100 Colorado women who find themselves in the Medicare doughnut hole coverage gap will have received a discount on their prescription drugs, saving them an average of $577 each.

-On August 1, insurance companies began to cover eight new women’s health services — including contraception, well-woman visits, breastfeeding support, and more.

Lawrence Guyot : a Civil Rights Leader, in memory of – Black History

WASHINGTON November 25, 2012 (AP)

Guyot was born in Pass Christian, Miss., on July 17, 1939. He became active in civil rights while attending Tougaloo College in Mississippi, and graduated in 1963. Guyot received a law degree in 1971 from Rutgers University, and then moved to Washington, where he worked to elect fellow Mississippian and civil rights activist Marion Barry as mayor in 1978.

“When he came to Washington, he continued his revolutionary zeal,” Barry told The Washington Post on Friday. “He was always busy working for the people.”

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D.C. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton told The Post in 2007 that she first met Guyot within days of his beating at a jail in Winona, Miss. “Because of Larry Guyot, I understood what it meant to live with terror and to walk straight into it,” she told the newspaper. On Friday, she called Guyot “an unsung hero” of the civil rights movement.

“Very few Mississippians were willing to risk their lives at that time,” she said. “But Guyot did.”

In recent months, his daughter said he was concerned about what he said were Republican efforts to limit access to the polls. As his health was failing, he voted early because he wanted to make sure his vote was counted, he told the AFRO newspaper.

Meet Newt … in his own words

Newt and Trump Talk ‘Apprentice’ Program For 10 Poor Kids … some videos have been deleted … go figure

Poor kids could work as Janitors

Poor Children have no values, no work habits, no cash unless it’s gotten illegally – video was deleted

Child labor laws are stupid

from 2011 to 2018 it’s all the same

In 2012, GOP Presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty came right out and said that, in his opinion, doctors who perform abortions should be sent to prison. Now, he’s running again but for Governor of Minnesota …we all know republicans are disappointing everyone at this point

So, women should not have to worry about being deprived of cancer screenings … health services by anti-abortion crusaders.

Turns out Republicans aren’t giving up their ideological agenda to end Medicare — an agenda that helps the nation’s wealthiest at the expense of seniors.

Is talk cheap ~ or just the talker

elephant talk
elephant talk (Photo credit: gin_able)

just another rant …another 2017 Republican budget is out in the airwaves …again!

Americans, bombarded with a whole lot of crazy talk lately. While some of us may gasp at most or all of what members of Congress are throwing out at us; no doubt it should open the eyes of all those trying to decide which side of the aisle and or what side of history they want to people to read about. It is clear to me.

They say talk is cheap but until you actually listen and read between the lines or walls of words do you find out what exactly is in any budget designed by Ryan Budget.  While some say rep.Paul Ryan is a dapper smooth talker they forget that Americans have heard his failed budget plans at least 4 times, somebody should let him know that renaming it will not do a thing to sell it. The fact is no matter what you call it … the Paul Ryan pathway to prosperity only seems to accept and cover the wealthy. In fact, Mr. Ryan seems to promise to save Medicare by closing loopholes and of course cuts spending by trillions. The problem is, if you read the real words or talking points it will be off the backs of Seniors, Minorities, low income and the poor.  It still amazes me that the Republican Party of No is so callous to think Americans don’t see Mr.1% in full effect, but then again cheap words can mask the most blatant of realities.

In the congress of 2014, it only took one to filibuster The Middle and Lower classes leaving them to suffer on the way toward that conservative mission to cut slash and burn public service jobs while handing out tax breaks. It’s now 2017 and while voters voted against their best interests …again!

We all need to ask when the light will be bright enough to see this Republican budget is a reworked failure …

If you have heard  Mitch McConnell or Rep.Paul Ryan talk about budgets lately,  you know the mission is still the same …. the talk is still cheap and at the expense of the middle/lower classes.

~ Nativergrl77