August …Jason Rosenbaum, DSCC Director of Online Communications

We need to win August. Let me tell you why.

Every single month is a separate fundraising battle with the GOP. Winning these battles means we pick up momentum, and more races get funded. Losing these battles means momentum is lost, and we won’t be able to fund enough races. Pretty simple.

But does that matter now, in late August? You bet it does. Losing a monthly fight will allow Republicans to attack early, taking potentially competitive seats off the map right now. Imagine if Barbara Boxer’s first Senate run had ended before it started because a flood of unanswered attack ads drove her out of the race.

If we win every monthly battle, we can protect future progressive champions and current champions like Sherrod Brown, and make sure President Obama sees four more years. If everyone joins in and we can raise $55,000 in the next three days, it should be enough to win August.

And besides, wouldn’t beating the GOP to end the summer be worth $5? Click here to help make it happen.

Each month is a competition, plain and simple, us vs. the Republicans. Help win August.


Jason Rosenbaum
DSCC Director of Online Communications