Green companies … Green projects … Green jobs … Green heroes

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**Dow Chemical designed solar shingles that can be nailed to a roof, testing to begin in 2010, initially manufactured in Midland MI

**Chris Campbell,pasadena,CA His most recent venture, is an eco-friendly apparel company located in Santa Barbara, California. Prior to Cali Green, Chris was the head of Sales Integration where he developed and lead several high performing teams of developers and designers at and that produce revenues of over $8 Million per month.

**Global Star will be supplying the thin-film solar cells, of Tucson, AZ   ( Global Solar )

**Solar Reserve filed an application to build a 150-megawatt solar farm that will store seven hours’ worth of the sun’s energy in the form of molten salt, a Santa Monica company.  (SolarReserve )

**The Rice Solar Energy Project will be built in the Sonoran Desert east of Palm Springs (  Rice Solar Energy Project )

**Taja Sevelle,singer-songwriter, executive dir&founder of int’l non-profit Urban Farming,headquartered in Detroit;oversees 600 community gardens in 5counties&14cities,including Los Angeles&New York

**Bill Mckibben,writer/activist,Co-founder/Dir of ;is one of the largest groups fighting against global warming

**glenn croston, Ph.D., is a green scientist, author and entrepreneur. He has written five biology and chemistry books and is involved in developing entrepreneurial businesses with a focus on green research. He lives an environmentally-friendly life in both business and at home.

**Omar Freilla,founder of the Bronx umbrella org Green Worker Co-op,helps turn trash into green jobs

**Clean Edge Jobs  …

Clean Edge Jobs specializes in connecting job candidates at every level with a range of clean-tech companies and other organizations leading the transition to a clean-energy economy.  In addition to creating a profile and resume for employers to search, job seekers can use the Clean Edge Jobs website to search their growing database of green jobs by location, industry or job type.  Employers can post jobs free of charge.  Check it out at

**The websites below are also good sources of green-collar job postings:

** Warren Washington,head of the climate-change research section @the Nat Ctr for Atmospheric Res., was one of the first scientist to analyze climate change and it’s effect on the low-lying places in the coastal areas where a lot of African-Americans live.

** Majora Cater,in Hunts Pt Riverside Pk,SBronx,NY,2001 founded Sustainable S Bronx,to create green spaces

** Robert Bullard,sociologist/dir of the Environmental Justice Res Ctr@Clark Atlanta Univ., noticed almost all landfills/incinerators in Houston were located in predominately Black neighborhoods,inequity became his life’s work,Environment,race/politics,are all connected.

** Will.I.AM,song-writer, was inspired by Al Gore‘s inconvenient truth,wrote S.O.S.,Take Our Planet Back to enlightened fans about global warming,says he is brown but lives green

**Kerry Washington,actor lives green,says the green movement is about inequities, making and saving money, promotes going green by taking small step

** Xavier Bishop, Mayor of Moss Pt., Miss. River City,used to be a major industrial city,but the plants there damaged the city/environment,wanted to save his city/our environment,has partnered with groups: Inst for Sustainable Communities,promotes rebuilding with green products,tip: dont litter,most products don’t degrade.

** Kinari Webb,MD,founder,Health in Harmony in oakland CA and Indonesia,advocate for saving rain forests,stopping illegal logging a source of income,but floods/infection from mosquitoes are high as a result of tearing down rain forests.tip:avoid palm oil,major cause of rainforest destruction in Indonesia.

** Daniel Goleman, Phd,writer Ecological Intelligence, asks us to think beyond organic, recycled or  fair trade, think about how the products we buy, use, and discard affects the environment.

** Bryant Terry,Eco chef/food justice activist&author uses cooking to illuminate the intersections among poverty, structural racism, and food insecurity.

** Carole Allen,founder,Help Endangered Animals,involved in saving turtles,started a foundation to save them,the Nat Marine Fisheries Serv invented a Turtle Excluder device to allow turtles to escape fishing and shrimp industry trawls.tip:don’t touch a sea turtle,call 866-Turtles if you see one in distress.

** Ron Gonen, co-founder and ceo,RecycleBank; based in NYC,operates in 15States,they give recycle containers to every home w/a chip embedded in it. the weight is electronically recorded/points go into recyclebank,worth up to $400 a yr at stores such as target,whole foods,coca-cola,program saves money by diverting waste into recycling.tip:recycle because it costs more to take trash to landfills,our taxes are increased to pay for it.

** Ken Cook,co-founder Environmental Working Group, , they investigate products to protect the environment/public health,score it and provide info to their members.

** Nneka Leiba, an environmental health researcher for the group Skin Deep Web site,W.DC tip: don’t use bottled water,an avg of 8toxic chems are in ea,also the travel to get it to your home produces emissions

Don’t kill the Dream

We all want to live the American Dream of getting a good education, making a better life for our kids, and having a secure retirement. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Pell Grants — these are basic programs that built the middle class and make it possible for us live that dream. But Republicans want to destroy the middle class and kill the American Dream for millions of families.

We need to create a clean energy economy, not give away billion-dollar subsidies to big oil companies. We need to ensure access to healthcare for everyone, not eliminate the most successful health programs in our country’s history. We need to invest in America’s future, not extend tax cuts for the super rich.

We can stop Republicans from dismantling the middle class and killing the dream. Please join Van Jones on DFA Live next Thursday, August 18, at 9 p.m. Eastern Time to learn how.

Thank you for all that you do.


Levana Layendecker, Communications Director
Democracy for America

Help Us Make Sure ALL Women Can Get Birth Control without a Co-pay

When we make progress in women’s health, ALL women deserve to be part of that success, don’t they? But you’d be surprised by what some opponents to birth control think.

Last week we told you about a momentous step forward for women’s health: the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) expanded the list of preventive health services required to be offered by health insurers without a co-pay to include the full range of FDA-approved contraceptives. Unfortunately, HHS intends to exempt some religious employers from providing contraceptive services and is asking for comments on this decision.

We need your help to protect this important step for women’s health and ensure that all women have access to affordable contraception — tell HHS that all women, regardless of who they work for, should have access to contraception without co-pays.

The reality is that nearly 99% of sexually active women, regardless of their religious beliefs, use contraception at some point in their lives. It’s crucial that women have access to affordable birth control to prevent unintended pregnancies, plan the timing and size of their families, and protect their health.

Raise your voice today — submit comments to HHS telling them that all women need access to contraception without co-pays.

For many years, the National Women’s Law Center has been working to get contraception covered in all health insurance plans, and without you, we would not have been able to say — birth control: we got you covered. Thank you for continuing to stand up for the health of women and their families.


 Judy Waxman
Vice President for Health and Reproductive Rights
National Women’s Law Center   

 P.S. Your support allows us to continue to improve the health care of women and their families, as well as work on many other critical issues. Please consider making a contribution today.

Help Protect Scientists from Political Interference …Union of Concerned Scientists

How can you protect science and government scientists from political interference? By filing a public comment by asking the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to strengthen its draft scientific integrity policy.

In the past, NOAA scientists were censored and told to change their research on issues from global warming to endangered species. While the draft policy would address some of these problems, it needs to be further strengthened to better protect those who report the abuse of science, give the public more information about who is meeting with NOAA officials, and allow us to hold agency officials accountable if they transgress.

It is critical that NOAA scientists can continue to provide national weather forecasting, manage coastal and deep ocean resources, and research global climate patterns without interference.

Help NOAA improve its scientific integrity policy by submitting a comment today —the deadline is August 20.

Michael Halpern
National Field Organizer