Congress: pro forma


The Senate will meet on the following dates and times for pro-forma sessions only with no business conducted:

Tuesday, August 9th at 11:00am,



10:09 A.M. – The Speaker announced that the House do now adjourn pursuant to section 3 of H.Res. 375.

 The next meeting is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on August 9, 2011.

10:08 A.M. – The House received a communication from LaNette Wright, Executive Assistant, Office of Congressman H arold Rogers. Pursuant to Rule VIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives, Ms. Wright notified the House that she had been served with a non-party subpoena issued by the Circuit Court for Russell County, Kentucky, for documents and testimony in a criminal case and that after consultation with the Office of General Counsel, she had determined that compliance with the subpoena was consistent with the privileges and rights of the House.

10:07 A.M. – The House received a message from the Clerk. Pursuant to the permission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Clerk notified the House that she had received the following message from the Secretary of the Senate on August 3, 2011 at 10:54 a.m.: That the Senate passedS. 1302andS. 710.The House received a message from the Clerk. Pursuant to section 4(c) ofH. Res. 5, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, and section 1(k)(2) of H.Res.895, One Hundred Tenth Congress, the Clerk notified the House that Jay Eagen, Allison Hayward, and Kelly Brewington each have signed an agreement to not be a candidate for the office of Senator or Representative in, or Delegate or Resident Commissioner to, the Congress for the purposes of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 until at least 3 years after he or she is no longer a member of the board or staff of the Office of Congressional Ethics.

10:05 A.M. – The House received a message from the Clerk. Pursuant to the permission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Clerk notified the House that she had received the following message from the Secretary of the Senate on August 2, 2011 at 1:00 p.m.: That the Senate passedH. Con. Res. 70, without amendment. The Senate also concurred in the House amendment toS. 365.ADJUSTED WHOLE NUMBER OF THE HOUSE – Under clause 5(d) of rule XX, the Chair announced to the House that, in light of the resignation of the gentleman from Oregon, Mr. Wu, the whole number of the House is 432.

The House received a communication from Representative Wu wherein he resigns as a member of the House of Representatives effective at 11:59 p.m. on August 3, 2011.

10:04 A.M. – The Speaker laid before the House a message from the President transmitting a certification that the debt subject to limit is within $100,000,000,000 of the limit in 31 U.S.C. 3101(b) and that further borrowing is required to meet existing commitments. – referred to the Committee on Ways and Means and ordered to be printed (H. Doc. 112-48).

10:03 A.M. – The House received a message from the Clerk. Pursuant to the permission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Clerk notified the House that she had received a sealed envelope from the White House on August 2, 2011, at 2:13 p.m., containing a message from the President whereby he submits to the Congress a certification pursuant to section 3101A(a)(1)(A) of title 31, United States Code.Pursuant to section 4 of H.Res. 375, the Chair announced that legislative business is not dispensed with on this day.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – The Chair led the Members in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

The Speaker announced approval of the Journal. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Journal stands approved.

10:02 A.M. – Today’s prayer was offered by the Deputy Parliamentarian, Tom Wickham.

10:01 A.M. – The Speaker designated the Honorable Andy Harris to act as Speaker pro tempore for today.

10:00 A.M. –

Too Close to Call … Michael Keegan, People For the American Way

Wisconsin was the epicenter of the right-wing attacks on middle and working-class Americans that have come to define our policy debates since the Tea Party scored its big victories in the 2010 elections.

TOMORROW is the day when, with your help, we can undo some of that damage and change the direction of our politics heading into 2012.

We have less than 24 hours for the polls to open, when we need to turn out every progressive, common-sense and working family vote we can in order to make sure that when the polls start to close and the sun goes down tomorrow, it will be setting on a new Wisconsin and a new America.

Please help with an emergency, last-minute donation to help us contact and get to the polls every Wisconsin voter we need.

Wednesday morning can be a new day in this country … help us usher in the END of the Tea Party era. The first step is winning in Wisconsin!

We are working aggressively in four districts with very close races to recall the right-wing state senators who declared war on working families. We need a net victory of at least three wins to take back the Senate — that means winning in at least three districts tomorrow and then defending our two Democratic allies who are being challenged by the Right the following week.

The countless hours we’ve worked — you and PFAW together, the thousands of PFAW members and activists who have volunteered time and given money, the hundreds of thousands of dollars we’ve put into persuading key swing voters in the closest races … it’s all come down to this moment.

Please help us finish strong, with a clear, resounding win that sends a message that will echo through 2012. Please make an urgent last-minute gift to help us turn out every progressive vote we need.

It’s been an honor to stand with you in this fight. We’ll be fighting until the last poll closes. Good luck to all of us tomorrow.


Michael Keegan, President

P.S. The polls are showing the races we need to win TIGHTER THAN EVER. We need your help to put us over the top — there’s not a moment to spare. Please give what you can right now.

Target’s rape factory … Patrick Schmitt,

Thousands of members have already spoken out against abuses at what’s becoming known as the “rape factory” in Jordan.

“We only went to Jordan to earn money to help our families; we had no idea that factory managers would rape so many of us young girls,” said a young woman who goes by the name Nazma to protect her identity.

Nazma is one of the dozens of Sri Lankan and Bangladeshi young women who have been sexually assaulted by supervisors at Classic Factory in northern Jordan, which makes clothes for American brands like Walmart, Target, and Macy’s.

Leading up to next week’s trial against a Classic supervisor charged with rape — the first such trial — managers are escalating abuses. Supervisors are locking victims and witnesses in the factory, threatening and intimidating them to ensure they will not testify.

And although the Jordanian government promised that Anil Santha, the manager accused of rape, would not be allowed to return before the trial, he’s back on the factory floor.

Despite global outcry over Classic’s abuses and the tactics they’re using to dodge justice, international customers like Walmart, Target, and Macy’s are still buying Classic clothing.

Given the critical situation on the ground, Classic Factory workers, consumers, and human rights organizations, are urgently calling on these high-profile companies to immediately condemn human rights abuses and force change. Click here to sign the petition now.  

Given the critical situation on the ground, Classic Factory workers, consumers, and human rights organizations, are urgently calling on these high-profile companies to immediately condemn human rights abuses and force change. Click here to sign the petition now.

Target and Macy’s have claimed that they are investigating conditions at the factory, but they’re deferring to the Jordanian Ministry of Economy and Labor — which claims there is no evidence of sexual abuse.

Instead, conditions are getting worse. In addition to imprisoning women inside the factory, managers are removing all the males workers — in some cases even deporting them — cutting the staff to older male supervisors and vulnerable young women.

At Classic’s urging, the government also arrested the leader of an outside human rights NGO and took his passport to prevent him from intervening to protect the women at the factory.

“All we can do is cry,” Nazma said. “We ask the people who buy our garments, please end this abuse and torture we face. We should be able to work without fear of sexual assault.”

Now is a critical moment for action. Outside pressure and attention can ensure that victims and witnesses are freed and can testify against their rapists — and that Classic Factory reforms its policies and practices.

Otherwise, the manager and supervisors will continue to imprison, assault, and rape girls and women with renewed impunity.

Sign now to urge Walmart, Target, and Macy’s to force Classic Factory to free imprisoned victims and witnesses — and end its human rights abuses against women:

Thanks for being a change-maker,

– Patrick and the team

Target and Macy’s have claimed that they are investigating conditions at the factory, but they’re deferring to the Jordanian Ministry of Economy and Labor — which claims there is no evidence of sexual abuse.

Instead, conditions are getting worse. In addition to imprisoning women inside the factory, managers are removing all the males workers — in some cases even deporting them — cutting the staff to older male supervisors and vulnerable young women.

At Classic’s urging, the government also arrested the leader of an outside human rights NGO and took his passport to prevent him from intervening to protect the women at the factory.

“All we can do is cry,” Nazma said. “We ask the people who buy our garments, please end this abuse and torture we face. We should be able to work without fear of sexual assault.”

Now is a critical moment for action. Outside pressure and attention can ensure that victims and witnesses are freed and can testify against their rapists — and that Classic Factory reforms its policies and practices.

Otherwise, the manager and supervisors will continue to imprison, assault, and rape girls and women with renewed impunity.

Sign now to urge Walmart, Target, and Macy’s to force Classic Factory to free imprisoned victims and witnesses — and end its human rights abuses against women:

Thanks for being a change-maker,

– Patrick and the team

Attacking the EPA is NOT fiscally responsibl​e …Union of Concerned Scientists

Attacking the EPA is Not Fiscally Responsible

Lately, there has been a lot of talk in Washington, DC, about fiscal responsibility. Under the guise of cutting government spending, some lawmakers are taking a hatchet to many of the landmark laws that protect our health and the environment—such as the Clean Air Act. But attacking the Clean Air Act is both fiscally irresponsible and terribly short-sighted.

This legislation has a 40-year track record of cutting dangerous pollution and, in 2010 alone, helped prevent an estimated 160,000 premature deaths and 1.7 million asthma attacks. On August 2, the total value of the net benefits provided to Americans by the Clean Air Act since its inception reached a staggering $50 trillion.

Yet despite the massive benefits that this landmark piece of legislation provides to the American people, certain members of Congress continue to try to undermine the Clean Air Act by working to prevent the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from reducing dangerous global warming emissions and other harmful pollutants. This has grave implications for our health, our children’s health, and the health of Americans for generations to come.

While the House of Representatives is currently on recess, they will return to Washington to continue debate on H.R. 2584, a spending bill that outlines the budget for the Department of the Interior and the EPA. The bill is an all-out attack on our air, water, lands, and wildlife, and includes nearly 40 anti-health, anti-environment amendments—including an amendment that would prevent the EPA from reducing global warming emissions under the Clean Air Act. Protecting our health and the environment is the fiscally responsible thing to do.

Please write today and urge your representative to vote against this anti-health, anti-environment bill.

Take Action Now


Chrissy Elles

Outreach Associate

UCS Climate & Energy Program

P.S. With the Congressional Recess starting this week, your representative is home in your state until early September. Many representatives will host town halls or be at public events. I encourage you to attend these events and ask your representative, in person, to protect our health and environment and oppose H.R. 2584.

Michael Langenmayr, Democracy for America

All the work we’ve done in Wisconsin comes down to these next few days. Either we Get Out The Vote and take back the State Senate or we lose and right-wing Republicans continue their war on working families. 

 Republicans will do anything to win these recall elections. In May, they passed a new voter suppression law that makes drastic changes in photo ID and residency requirements to vote in Wisconsin elections, including these recalls.

 In June, Republicans forced fake Democratic candidates onto the ballot, forcing primaries against real Democrats and pushing the recall elections further into the summer. Their fake candidates lost each and every primary.

 Last month, Republican group Americans for Prosperity began mailing absentee ballots to Democratic voters with instructions to mail the ballots back after the election date.

 Now, they’re blanketing Wisconsin with millions of dollars in last-minute TV ads and we need your help to fight back and Get Out The Vote.

Wisconsin isn’t the only state where Republicans are launching all-out war on working families. But it is our first chance to fight back. A win here will send a message to Republicans across the country — attack the middle class and you lose. Please join us today.

 Thank you for all that you do.

 – Michael

 Michael Langenmayr, Deputy Political Director
 Democracy for America